Behind A Smile

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 We sat down as Dad put food on the table, he was so happy, we could see him skipping around the kitchen and we chuckled a bit. We talked as we ate, Dad said he was permanently assigned back to Japan for work, which was nice. Osamu opened his own restaurant and invited us to visit him for free food which we gladly accepted. We were happily talking like a normal family... like nothing happened, and in all honesty, I was glad since I didn't have the energy to talk about the past, I just wanted to move on from it.

Sakusa: "Atsu..." He leaned closer to me. "Where's the bathroom?" I pointed him down the hall. "Excuse me..." He told Dad, he stood and walked away.

Mr. Miya: "So... Tsumu..." He looked at me.

Atsumu: "Hmm?"

Mr. Miya: "You and Sakusa~" He wiggled his eyebrows and I blushed.

Atsumu: "Dad! We're just friends!" Osamu spat out his water as he choked. "Samu, ew... what the hell..."

Osamu: "Sorry..." He was still coughing as he wiped the mess. "I didn't know it was normal for friends to hold hands, embrace each other, and give kisses like you guys do..."

Atsumu: "Samu..." I whined. Sakusa came back and was standing behind me.

Mr. Miya: "You guys do that and you're not dating!?" He looked at Sakusa who was surprised at the sudden outburst.

Atsumu: "Daaaad!" I sounded like a whiny teenage girl. I buried my face in my hands. "You're embarrassing me!!"

Mr. Miya: "But I thought he was my future son in law..." He pouted.

Atsumu: "Dad! We're not dating..."

Sakusa: "We're not?" I looked at him and he was just standing there.

Osamu: "Wait, what?" He looked at him. "What do you mean?"

Sakusa: "I thought we were dating this whole time..."

Mr. Miya: "Wut?"

Atsumu: "Since when!?"

Sakusa: "3 weeks ago! You even introduced me to your other Dad... I thought we were going really steady..." He was sulking a bit, which was cute.

Mr. Miya: "Ok, ok , wait... wait! Hol' up! we'll talk about the other Dad for next time... BUT! Are you or are you not dating?"

Atsumu: "We're not..."

Mr. Miya: "Awww..."

Sakusa: "Why not???" He whined. He sat next to me. He hugged me and started pouting. I giggled.

Mr. Miya: "Yeaaaa... why noooooot?" He whined.

Atsumu: "Coz he never asked me..." I said in a small voice, hoping they didn't hear. I played with my fingers, looking down.

Nobody said anything for a minute, I felt really embarrassed now, just why did I open my mouth. Stupid Tsumu!

Mr. Miya: "That is so adorable!!!" He squealed which made me look up. "I can't believe you're not asking our Tsumu out properly!!" He glared at Sakusa who just had his eyes widened. Then he turned to my brother with a face that said, Am I hearing right?

Osamu: "Don't look at me... you heard them..."

Sakusa: "Atsu..." He turned to me and I blushed.

Atsumu: "Do- - don't look at me Omi!" I buried my face in my hands.

Omi stood up and I looked up at him, for a minute he just stared at me. My eyes widened when he suddenly knelt down on one knee in front of me, he took my hand.

Sakuas: "Atsu, you are my everything... will you do me the honor of mar- -"

Osamu: "No, no, no!" He interrupted. I felt my heart ready to explode. "You guys are still in college!"

Sakusa: "Oh c'moooon!" He whined.

Mr. Miya: "Umm... Sakusa- kun" we looked at him "I don't mind your relationship with Tsumu, I actually do not mind you being part of this family... but Osamu's right... you guys are too young..."

Sakusa: "But- -"

Atsumu: "Omi, stop it!" I lightly slapped his shoulder.

Sakusa: "Fiiiine..." He pouted "Tsumu... will you be my boyfriend?" I giggled.

I really love it when Omi's being silly. I hugged him and looked at him, our noses were touching. I smiled at him and pulled him in a kiss that lasted for 10 seconds.

Atsumu: "Of course I'll be your boyfriend Omi!!" He kissed me before hugging me tight.

Mr. Miya: "Awww!!! I'm so happy for you two!!" We thank him.

Osamu: "Congrats, you guys." He smiled at us, but I could sense he was sad.

Atsumu: "Thank you, Samu..." I smiled at him.

After dinner, Dad was in the living room with Omi, I really can't hear what they're talking about. Osamu and I were washing the dishes.

Osamu: "Tsumu..." I looked at him as he continued to wash the dishes. "I really am thankful that you're giving me another chance..." I rested my head on his shoulder as I continued to dry the dishes. "Please, tell me if I can do anything, or if there's anything wrong..." He choked on his last words. "I don't want to- - to lose you again..." His voice was so small.

Atsumu: "Of course, Samu... but..." I could feel him stiffening but he didn't say anything. "I want you to do the same." I looked at him and put a hand on his cheek. "I want you to open up to me, tell me how you're feeling... don't bottle it up..." He relaxed and nuzzled into my hand.

Osamu: "Okay, I promise..."

Atsumu: "Then can you please tell me what's wrong?" His eyes widened. "I know there's something bothering you..."

Osamu: "How- -"

Atsumu: "When you smile... you're hiding pain..." I gave him a gentle smile. "I know that smile, I wore that everyday for sooo many years..."

Osamu: "I- - I'm sorry..."

Atsumu: "No, don't be... when you're hurt or in pain, it's never your fault... you don't have to be sorry about anything!" I beamed at him and he smiled a little. "So, can you please tell me what's wrong?"

Osamu: " I- -"






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