Treat You Better

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It has been 2 months now since Dad kicked Mom out of the house. He discussed with me that he's going to file for divorce and would do a thorough investigation on her for child abuse... that is, if we find Atsumu.

For the past 2 months, I cut off all communication I had with my friends, people from school, and even my boyfriend. I have no idea what's going on with them but I was sure they were feeling as sh*tty as I am.

Dad was super disappointed with me, but he kept reassuring me that he still loves me and we'll start anew with Atsumu; that we will find him and fix everything with him. Dad has been encouraging me a lot and I don't want to beat myself down anymore. I want to be better; I WANT MY BROTHER BACK.

I was up in my room, sitting on my bed just fiddling with my phone. It has been 2 months since I last opened it. I took a deep breath, stood up and left my room. I stood in the hallway where I found myself staring at Atsumu's room. I walked towards his door and reached for the knob but it was locked.

I just realized that ever since Mom separated me and Atsumu; giving us different rooms, I never once set foot in his room, I don't even know what it looks like! Now that I think about it, everytime Atsumu would go in or out of his room, he would open the door just enough for him to get in and out. Was he hiding something? Is there more to the abuse he's getting from everyone around him?

My body trembled a little. I quickly ran down to the kitchen drawer where Mom put all the spare keys. I took everything in the drawer and rushed back to Atsumu's room, passing by Dad who followed me.

Mr. Miya: "Osamu, what are you doing?" But I didn't hear him. I just kept trying keys after keys on the locked door.

After trying and failing, I was getting frustrated. But after the 7th key, it finally went in and I heard a click. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Me and Dad froze in our palace as our eyes just stared wide open in an empty room.

We slowly walked in the middle of the room; looked around. There was no bed, just a blanket and a pillow. There was no table, textbooks and other school things were just on the floor; neatly organized. His clothes that consisted of 3 shirts, 2 pants, and not much were just folded and stacked in another corner of the room.

Dad looked frustrated, he had his hand over his mouth. I hugged myself as I trembled at the thought that Atsumu had been living like this.

Osamu: "He- -He had nothing..." My voice was shaking "He had nothing while I WAS ENJOYING MYSELF LIKE A SPOILED BRAT!!" Dad was gripping my shoulder and slightly shaking me.

Mr. Miya: "No, no, no... Osamu... none of this was your fault..."

Osamu: "I- - I did this..." My voice was failing me. My eyes stinged as my heart sank. We just both cried.

Night came, me and Dad were eating in silence. We still couldn't get over what we saw. But the silence was broken when Dad's phone started ringing.

Mr. Miya: "Excuse me, I have to take this." He got up and left.

I didn't have the appetite to eat just thinking about Atsumu. After everything I've seen he's been through and things that I still don't know. I sighed and started to clean up then went back to my room when I saw my phone. I sat on my bed and just stared at my phone, I didn't even realize I opened it. Tons of messages came flooding in, from friends, classmates, coach, teachers, and Suna...

Everyone was so concerned and worried for me; comforting me. I didn't deserve any of those. Tears were dropping one by one on my phone screen. I wiped my tears and was about to close my phone when it started ringing. I looked at the caller I.D. It was Suna. I debated if I should answer or not but then it stopped ringing. I wanted to talk to him, I miss him, but I can't...

*Ding! I received a text from Suna. He wanted to talk to me; see me. I cried.



"Samu, I know you're having a hard time...

But please, I'm here for you..."


"Can we please talk?"


"Samu... please..."


"Let's meet tomorrow at the park."

I didn't even wait for his reply and just tried my best to get some rest. I woke up feeling like sh*t, I just feel like there's no reason for me anymore. I didn't want to get up but I had to meet up with Suna.

When I got to the park, I walked around to look for a spot to wait at. Then my eyes landed on someone sitting on a bench with his head facing up.

Osamu: "Atsumu" He snapped his head at me. His eyes widened.

Atsumu: "What are you doing here?" He looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Tsk" He stood and was about to leave but I grabbed his wrist. He turned to look at me, desperately holding onto him. "What do you want, Osamu?" He spat and I flinched a little, tears were forming from my eyes.

Osamu: "Ca- -Can we ple- -please talk?" I started shaking. "Please..." He sighed and took me to a more secluded part of the park. When we were finally alone. "Atsumu... Please come home..." I kept my head down, I don't have the heart to face him.

Atsumu: "Why?" He sounded so cold.

Osamu: "Please... I'm sorry Atsumu..." I was crying. "Da- -Dad and me have been looking for you..." I finally looked at him. "I- -I miss you, Atsumu..." I choked "I- -I'm sorry..." He gritted his teeth and balled his fist.

Atsumu: "Don't pretend..."

Osamu: "A- -Atsu- -"

Atsumu: "Shut up! Stop calling me like that!" I froze. "Don't tell me to go back to that house when you don't even know what's happening!"

Osamu: "A- -"

Atsumu: "NO! You threw me aside!" I flinched. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I SUFFERED IN THAT HOUSE THAT YOU CALLED HOME!" I just stood there in shock, taking in all of his frustration and anger. "I accepted that you were the favorite one, that you were the best; the better twin! That you were everything I could never be because I thought that despite everything that everyone has put me through, that YOU put me through, I thought you loved me... " He was starting to cry, I wanted to hug him, but I had no right. My chest hurts. "When everyone turned their backs on me, I felt like sh*t, but it didn't matter because I had YOU... My family, my brother, my twin, my literal other half. But then... YOU turned your back on me as well..." He glared at me. I dropped to my knees, clutching my chest, my tears won't stop. "When that happens...Tell me, what do you think I have left?"

I couldn't say anything. I have hurt Atsumu so much. But Atsumu kept being strong after all this time; after all he's been through. He held his own and fixed himself up, wiping his face.

Atsumu: "I'm not going back with you..." He glared at me.

Osamu: "Tsumu... please... I'm sorry" I wanted to keep my head down but I mustered up all my courage to look at him. I wanted to see him again, my brother; my twin. I was so desperate to have him back in my life. I needed to explain, to apologize. I needed to treat him better; to give him the world, what he actually deserved.

But he turned his back on me.





tbc (I still have two unfinished stories, but I already have another story that I want to do.)

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