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7 Years Old Osamu's POV

Tsumu was my best friend, we would be together and we promised to always be together forever. Tsumu would always take care of me and protect me from everything that would harm me; he was so cool!

But one I noticed that everyone wanted Tsumu... They always asked to play with him, they wanted to have lunch with him, they wanted to walk with him, they always looked for him even though I was there... I was always left out, I was alone... Then I felt something in the pit of my stomach... That's when it started...

Whenever I see Atsumu smiling and surrounded by everyone, the unpleasant feeling in my stomach grows everyday. I started clawing my way out of Tsumu's shadow.

I felt that it wasn't enough that I got out of his shadow, I wanted to shove him in the dark where he will never shine again.

I made Tsumu's friends hate him, I made the others pick on him, I even started teasing him myself, but none of it was working. Tsumu would always smile at the end of the day like nothing happened.

At home, I saw how Tsumu would always run up to Dad and tell him how great his day was, he would get praised by Mom and Dad, and just shower him with love and appreciation... I hated it!

I did my best to bring Atsumu down, but nothing was working, until the day Dad was transferred overseas for work and we were left to stay.

And that's when everything fell apart for Atsumu. I started isolating Mom from Atsumu but she was still kind to him until one day, I came running to her; crying.

Mrs. Miya: "Sweetie... what happened?" She came hugging me.

Osamu: "I hate Atsumu!" I cried hugging her.

Mrs. Miya: "Wha- -" She grabbed my shoulders "Samu... how could you say that!?"

Osamu: "You love him more than me!"

Mrs. Miya: "No... I love you both the same!"

Osamu: "No! You think he's better than me!" I stared at her, she had tears in her eyes.

After my little outburst, Mom started treating Atsumu differently and gave me all the love and attention.

Through the years, I could see how the mighty Atsumu... deteriorated to nothing... I felt satisfaction, I felt happy, I was finally getting all the things I deserved! I was finally out of his shadow and into the limelight!

It was finally my time and it felt good! I was on top of the world... until reality pulled me back down...


Atsumu: "YOU WERE THE ONE WHO HURTED ME THE MOST!!" He yelled, he was angry. "YOU NEVER CARED! YOU DIDN'T EVEN LOOKED MY WAY!!!" tears were forming from his eyes. "We were 7 when you started leaving me behind. You chose other people over me. I relied on you even when I know you'll just ignore me. I f*cking took all your insults just to stay by your side because you were my BROTHER! I IGNORED ALL THE THINGS YOU THREW AT ME EVEN THOUGH IT KILLS A LITTLE INSIDE!

Osamu: "Tsu- -" he was crying.

Atsumu: "NO!" He glared at Osamu. "NO, YOU CAN'T JUST CALL ME BY THAT NAME AFTER AAAALL THESE YEARS! I wasn't even sure you still knew my real name after calling me nothing but insults." their eyes were red now but he kept himself from crying unlike Osamu. "None of you knew how much I cried myself to sleep thinking of how worthless and useless I am because that's all I hear from all of you!" He pointed at the Inarizaki team. "None of you knew how much I wanted to kill myself because of how much you just wanted for me to disappear!" He rubbed his eyes with his hands then sighed and did his best to compose himself. He noticed how most of the kids that were watching them were in tears. "You have no right to say I'm cruel when you broke me to nothingness." Then he walked away.

It felt like someone finally snapped me out of my narcissistic reign. When I was finally able to look back at the darkness I shove Atsumu in, I felt like I was hit by a train. I knew that what I was doing was cruel and inhumane but I still acted like everything was alright, as long as I didn't hurt him physically. I was aware that I was destroying him, but I was so blinded with jealousy that it kept my guilt buried so deep.

Back at the Restaurant

Osamu: "As much as I'm sorry and regretting everything I've done to you, I won't ask for forgiveness...Because I'll forever be saying and showing you how sorry I am."

Atsumu: "Osa- -"

Osamu: "I don't deserve your forgiveness, I don't deserve to be here in front of you right now, but I still... I want to make it up to you... I - -"

Atsumu: "Samu... I forgive you..." I froze. 






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