Good Night

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Sakusa's POV

I know I look like an idiot, but I don't care. I'm so happy! Atsu was so adorable when we had a movie night. I am sooo planning another one.

After we watched the movie, Atsu fell asleep while leaning on my shoulder. I was going to move him, but I fell backwards while holding Atsu in my arms. I looked down to see that Atsu didn't wake up.

Atsu was sleeping peacefully. He was clinging onto my shirt. He looked so dazzling and I just stared, not believing someone could be this adorable.

Atsumu: "hmm~" He snuggled on to the crook of my neck. Sh*t... I think my nose is bleeding from all this cuteness. I took my phone and started a little photoshoot, but careful enough so I wouldn't accidentally wake Atsu up. To all the Gods out there, thank you!

I felt my eyes getting heavy, I turned off my phone and put it on the table. I hugged Atsu and gave him a little squeeze.

Sakusa: "Don't worry, Atsu, I'll protect you from now on." I kissed his forehead before falling asleep.

Morning came and I groaned as my phone alarm blasted. I reached for it to turn it off and go back to sleep. I tried to cuddle with Atsu again but I didn't feel him. I sat up, rubbed my eye and looked around for Atsu; he wasn't in the living room.

Sakusa: "Aaatsuu..." I whined a little, I was still half asleep, I didn't care. From the kitchen, a head popped up.

Atsumu: "I'm making breakfast." He returned to what he was doing.

I got up and dragged myself to the kitchen. Atsu was cooking an omelette with vegetables, and french toast. I hugged him from behind and rested my chin on his shoulder. He just hummed and continued cooking. The first time I did this, he smacked me with a frying pan but I didn't give up and I just wore him down, now he just didn't bother with what I was doing anymore.

After eating, we chilled in the living room again. Atsu was on the couch reading a book and I was playing on my phone since it was our day off. I remembered a poster I saw while walking back to the dorm.

Sakusa: "Atsu..." I looked at him. He was wearing reading glasses. He looks so hot.

Atsumu: "Hmm?" He continued reading.

Sakusa: "Let's go out." He looked up from his book and looked at me with one eyebrow raised. "C'mon, it'll be fun."

Atsumu: "No, thank you."

Sakusa: "Oh... ok..." I was a bit disappointed. "Then I guess I'll go by myself." I got up and walked behind the couch Atsu's been sitting on.

Atsumu: "Have fun, I guess..." He went back to his reading.

Sakusa: "Such a shame, I heard this pop up carnival were always a blast~" From the corner of my eye, I saw Atsu flinch at the word carnival, I smirked. "I even heard they had amazing food; all types... I think they even have fatty tuna." Atsu turned, he was leaning on the sofa's backrest; looking at me with the most adorable puppy dog eyes look. I smiled at him and patted his head. "C'mon, get ready. I'll drive." He threw his book away and quickly got up and ran to his room. I chuckled.

At the Carnival

Noone's POV

The two enjoyed walking around the carnival. Atsumu's eyes sparkled as he looked around and Sakusa just chuckled to himself. Atsumu was trying so hard to hide his excitement but Sakusa noticed it, so he dragged Atsumu to every ride he would glance at and food stalls he thought Atsumu would like to try. They were having fun even though Atsumu was trying so hard to hide his smile. Sakusa would even win some plushies for Atsumu that made him blush.

In the middle of a game, they heard soft thunder from a distance. Then there was lightning. It started to drizzle a little.

Sakusa: "C'mon, let's go back to the car and go home." He took off his jacket and covered Atsumu with it and grabbed his hand, then they ran to the car.

It was good that they reached the car before the heavy rain poured. Sakusa was driving and Atsumu was sitting next to him; still covered by Sakusa's jacket. Atsumu was slightly shaking but Sakusa thought that he Atsumu was just a little cold, so he just held his hand with one hand and drove with the other.

Sakusa's POV

We got home and it was still raining very hard. Looks like there's a storm. I parked the car and looked to my side to see a sleeping Atsumu. After taking some pictures of a sleeping angel, I carried him back to his room. I carefully laid him on his bed and changed his clothes with something more comfy. I quietly got out and took a shower before going to bed.

I was asleep for only a couple of hours before I woke up from a loud thunder. I groaned and sat up. I felt uneasy. I got out of bed and walked out my room. I glanced at Atsu's room to see his door open. I got worried and went to his room.

Sakusa: "Atsu..." The door creaked open and walked in. I peaked at Atsu's bed; it was empty! "Atsu!" I looked around his room, he was nowhere to be found. I ran out of the room and called for Atsu, but there was only the sound of heavy rain and thunder.

I was panicking now. I went to my room and grabbed my jacket and ran to the door. I was about to leave when a loud thunder boomed. I heard some noises in the kitchen. I went to check it out and saw something under the table. I knelt down to see Atsumu crying while clutching his blanket around him.

Sakusa: "Atsu..." he was shaking in fear. Then another thunder hit, he jumped while crying. I held him in a tight embrace. "Shhh... don't worry Atsu... I'm here." he finally looked at me, he had puffy eyes. Another thunder and he buried his face into my chest; he's really shaking.

Then I got an idea. I let go of Atsu and tried to get up but he tugged on my shirt. He had pleading eyes, a red nose, and shaky hands.

Atsumu: "Pe- do- - don't le- -leave..." He was crying.

Sakusa: "Don't worry, I'll be right back..." I squeezed his hand for assurance. "It'll only take a minute, ok..." He was reluctant at first but eventually let go.

I sprinted to my room and Atsu's room; grabbing all the blankets and pillows I could and some of Atsu's new plushies. Then I got my phone, a little speaker and this cute little lamp I got at the carnival. I was going to give it to Atsu as a present. I hurried back to the kitchen and made Atsu wait a little longer.

I made a small fort under the table with blankets, pillows, and plushies. I grabbed Atsu and dragged him inside. I rolled him into a burrito with another blanket. I turned on the little lamp that projected small silhouette of stars and put on some soothing music.

We were in our own little world. Atsu was no longer crying and shaking, he just stared in amazement around him. Then he stared at me; he unwrapped himself from the blanket and covered the both of us. He snuggled in my arms and I just embraced him.

Atsumu: "Thank you." He said in a soft tone. "Good night, Omi..." I was a bit surprised, but before I could say anything, he had already fallen asleep. I smiled and just hugged him tighter; kissing his forehead.

Sakusa: "Good night, Atsu." I fell asleep.






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