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It has been a week and it was finally time for Atsumu to move into the dorms. He took his keys and went to the room. The captain said he'll be rooming with another team member. When he knocked on the door, no one answered so he took out his key and opened the door. He entered and saw how spotless the place was, he's never seen a room sooooo clean before. Atsumu was in the living room when he heard the bathroom door open. His eyes widened but quickly composed himself back.

Sakusa's POV

A shower always helped me clear my mind. After I finished, I wrapped a towel around my waist and started drying my hair with another towel. I walked to the living room, trying to go to my room when I saw a set of legs. I looked up and saw Atsu! He was just standing there; surprised but returned to his composed look. He was holding up some bags and a suitcase. Was he my new roommate!?

Atsumu: "So we're roommates" He sighs. He couldn't sound more annoyed.

Sakusa: "Yeah..." I was looking at Atsu but he just looked away.

Atsumu: "So, which one is my room?" He turned his back at me, looking at the two doors.

Sakusa: "Ohh!" I walked past Atsumu and opened the left door, revealing an empty room that just has a bed. Atsumu walked into the room. "If you need anything I'm just next- -" The door slammed in front of my face. "Door." I sighed and proceeded to my room.

I sat on my bed. Atsu's my roommate. I'm a little sad that he's being so cold to me but also a little hopeful. I don't know why Atsu hates me but now, I'm going to do everything to change that.

Sakusa: "Wait for me, Atsu..."

Noone's POV

It has been a month now since Atsumu joined the team and everyday since then, Sakusa has been doing his best to get close to the fake blonde. He would talk to him even though he would get a dry response. He would sit with him at lunch even though the blonde would leave him once he sat down. He would walk with him back to the dorm. He would cook for him on their days off or whenever he can. When Atsumu is having a bad day, he would leave fatty tuna by the fake blonde's room. After a bad game and everyone's down, he would just sit next to the blonde; giving comfort. Everyone on the team was really surprised at first, since the cold, stoic, germaphobic Sakusa was following and trying to be close with someone, but gradually they got used to it, they would even sometimes laugh at the big guy when he gets rejected or ignored by the fake blonde and would look like an abandoned puppy.

More months passed by and little by little, Atsumu was starting to let Sakusa be a little closer to him. He wouldn't reply coldly anymore and would actually have a proper conversation. He would let him eat with him every break time. They would wait for each other after practice to go back to the dorm together. He would say thank you whenever Sakusa would do something for him.

The team was glad that the two were getting closer and was happy for the pleasant environment that was coming along with it.

Captain: "Can't believe Sakusa's efforts are starting to pay off now..." He smiled as they watched Atsumu and Sakusa from a distance; enjoying their talk. "I'm impress..."

Shion: "Yeah..."

Tomas: "But I can't help but notice that there's still something that's holding Atsumu back..." The two looked at him, but Hinata and Bokuto just looked a bit down.

Bokuto: "You can't really blame him..." the three looked at the owl looking man, confused.

Shion: "What do you mean, Bokuto?"

Bokuto: "I really can't say..." He looked down. "All we know" He looks at Hinata who was looking down as well "Is that, a lot has happened."

Sakusa's POV

Everything is going smoothly with Atsu. He still doesn't smile often nor talk like he used to, but this is great compared to when he was cold to me. I mean, I'll take what I can get.

We were walking down the street to get to our dorm when Atsu stopped, I looked at him and saw he was staring at something so I followed where he was looking; it was an ice cream promo at the store, buy one take one. I chuckled under my mask and couldn't help but be mesmerized by Atsu, he looked like a little kid with sparkles in his eyes, just like he did back then. He looked like the Atsu I fell in love with.

I smiled and took his hand and dragged him to the store. I started looking into the freezer but Atsu just stood there, looking at me.

Sakusa: "What?" But he just stayed quiet, head down but I could see a tint of red on his cheeks. I chuckled, why is he getting shy all of a sudden? He looks so adorable. "Don't you want one, Atsu?" He just shook his head. He was being stubborn. Cute. "Alright, if you don't want one, I'll just get what I want." I took out strawberry ice cream and cookies and cream ice cream since those were Atsu's favorite.

Once we got home, I asked if he wanted to watch a movie since it was a day off tomorrow, he just nodded. When he finally decided on a movie, I took out his favorite ice cream and started eating. I could feel him staring at the ice cream and I couldn't stop my laughter and just looked at him, but he got embarrassed and looked back at the T.V.

Sakusa: "C'mon, Atsu..." He was sitting on the other side of the sofa and I scooted closer to him. "Atsu, I know you love this ice cream." He was pouting, while his cheeks were red. TOO ADORABLE!!! ATSU WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME SOMEDAY! "Aaaaaatsuuu..." I scooped a spoonful of ice cream and slowly moved it closer to his mouth. He gave me a side look and finally opened his mouth and I fed him the ice cream. Sh*t! TOO CUTE! He still wasn't looking at me but I gave him the ice cream and he happily started eating it. I patted his head before getting up, I went to the kitchen and took the other ice cream. I went back to the living room and we watched the movie.

In the middle of the second movie, Atsu had finished his ice cream and mine was still half full. As we continued watching, I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked at Atsu, he was looking down so I couldn't see his face.

Sakusa: "What's wrong, Atsu?" He was mumbling something I couldn't understand. "I'm sorry, I can't understand, Atsu..."

Atsumu: "Ice... cream..." It was barely a whisper but I heard it. I felt my face heat up and a smile crept on my face.

Sakusa: "Sure, you can have mine." I was going to hand him my ice cream but he lifted his head and opened his mouth, just like a baby waiting to be fed. I felt my soul overloading from his cuteness, but I couldn't die there yet.

Just like that, I was feeding Atsu my ice cream as we watched a movie. 






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