Uninvited Visitor

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Osamu's POV

Looking at Atsumu, showing so much compassion and love, I couldn't help but tear up. I really don't deserve him.

Osamu: "I really am happy that you came back to us, that you gave me a chance to be a brother again. And I couldn't be happier for you and Sakusa..." I felt my throat tighten.

Atsumu: "But..." I looked at him and I could feel my eyes tearing up.

Osamu: "I just can't... help but think about him..." My tears were falling now.

Atsumu: "Him?"

Osamu: "Suna..." My voice came out like a whisper but Atsumu heard me.

I told Atsumu how I handled things in my own way, he didn't look at me in any way that looked like he'd judge me. He didn't say anything as I told him how the team fell apart when he left. Everyone broke and changed in different ways, taking in the horrific incident they witnessed in their own ways, but I was sure that they didn't take it too well.

I broke down and shut everyone out. I broke up with Suna thinking that I don't deserve to have someone when I broke and hurted the person that I should've treasured the most. I didn't have the right to keep someone at my side when I left the person that was supposed to be loved by everyone all alone and isolated.

Osamu: "I'm so sorry, Tsumu..." I broke down crying, I was kneeling on the kitchen floor. I felt a warm embrace enveloped me. It was Tsumu. "I love you so much Tsumu... please don't leave me again..."

Atsumu: "I love you too, Samu..." He looked at me. "I already forgave you... we both suffered enough..." He kissed my forehead. "It's time for you to forgive yourself and start moving on with me..." He gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen and I couldn't help but be overwhelmed by so much warmth and joy that I never knew I'd ever feel.

Osamu: "Thank you, Tsumu..." I sniffled. He helped me up.

He smiled and wiped the tears from my cheeks with his thumbs. Then he looked at Sakusa and Dad who looked like they were enjoying their conversation.

Atsumu: "It's getting late... maybe we should get going..." He looked at Sakusa with so much adoration.

Osamu: "Is it too much to ask for you guys... to stay the night?" I asked shyly. I was looking down in embarrassment when I heard a soft chuckle.

Atsumu: "But... where would we stay?"

Atsumu's POV

It was adorable seeing Osamu acting so adorable, I missed this. I smiled at him.

Osamu: "Sakusa could stay in the guestroom and you could stay in your old room." I froze at the mention of my old room and Osamu saw my reaction and held my hand. "Don't worry... c'mon..." He pulled my hand and dragged me in front of my old room. He reached for the doorknob and twisted it; opening the door.

My eyes widened looking inside the room. I felt a soft push from behind and went along with it as I kept looking around the room. There was a big bed with fluffy pillows, soft blanket, and cute plushies. Bookshelves full of novels and different kinds of books. A study table with a complete set up. Osamu pulled me to a door on the wall and opened it, still leaving me speechless; it was a walk in closet! It was full of beautiful clothes and cool shoes.

Atsumu: "Umm... Samu... what is all these? Everything looks brand new..." I looked at him. "This isn't my room..." Osamu pulled me and we sat on the bed.

Osamu: "It should have been..." He looked down. "Tsumu... you have been through so much, and I had no idea... and I was the reason why..." He was playing with his fingers. "When we were looking for you, I thought that maybe there was something in your room that could help us; a clue to where you might be... that's when I realized I never had the time nor chance to enter your room; I don't even know what it looks like!" I rubbed his back for comfort.

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