Fix Us

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I was left on the ground; crying, I was having a panic attack, I couldn't breath, my vision was getting blurry. Then I heard muffled screaming from somewhere.

???: "SAMU!!" He rushed to my side and started rubbing my back. He was doing his best to calm me down.

Osamu: "Ca- -can't... breath..." I clutch on to my shirt and on the ground. "He- - help..." I manage to squeak out.

???: "Osamu, I'm here..." He was crying, I looked up to see who he was. "I'm here... lo- -look at me..." It was Suna! He was crying.

Osamu: "It... hurts..." Then I passed out.

When I woke up, I was back in my room and on my bed. I sat up and saw my Dad sleeping sitting up on a chair beside my bed.

Osamu: "Dad?" The startle awoke and started worrying about me.

Mr. Miya: "Osamu! Are you alright? Are you hurt? What happened?" He started looking all over my body for bruises or any other injuries.

Osamu: "Dad... I'm alright... I'm not hurt..." He let out a breath of relief and sat back on his chair.

Mr. Miya: "Then what happened? Why were you brought by some boy in such a panic?"

Osamu: "Where's the boy that brought me back here?"

Mr. Miya: "He left crying the moment I took you from him... why? Who was he?" He held my hand.

Osamu: "That was Suna... he... was my boyfriend..." I looked down.

Mr. Miya: "Was?" He looked worried. "Did you guys... brok- -"

Osamu: "I don't know... Ever since Atsumu... left..." My voice broke. " I just... couldn't face anyone anymore..." My eyes stung.

Mr. Miya: "Samu..." I couldn't look at him, I just kept my head down. "You can't keep beating yours- -"

Osamu: "I'm the one who drove Atsumu away... I can't face anyone because we were all the same..." There was silence for a minute. "My friends, teammates.. Even Suna... We hurt Atsumu..."

Mr. Miya: "Osamu..." There was so much pity in his voice.

Osamu: "Dad..." I looked at him. "I saw Atsumu today..." His eyes widened.

Mr. Miya: "Yo- - You... saw... A- - Atsumu?" He turned pale. 'Whe- -"

Osamu: "He didn't want to come home..." I was looking down, tears were overflowing. "I- - I tried..." My voice sounded so small. "He- - he hates me..." I choked on my sobs. My dad hugged me.

Mr. Miya: "Shh..." He rubbed my back. "He'll come back to us..." His voice was so gentle "We'll fix this." He pulled away from the hug and gripped my shoulders; looking straight at me. "Listen to me, Osamu... None of this is your fault." He was sad to see his son loathe himself. "If you want to blame someone, blame me..." I froze at what he said. "I wasn't here to protect you two." He had teary eyes. "I didn't know what was happening... It was my fault for not noticing what was happening in my household." He cried. "Please... forgive this old fool..." He had his head down. I cried and just hugged him.

Osamu: "NO! None of this was your fault!" My embrace tightened. " You are an amazing Dad!" I buried my face on his shoulder.

We cried and cried, we let out all the frustration and other things out of our chest. After we calmed down, Dad gave me his famous warm, gentle smile.

Mr. Miya: "Osamu, let's stop blaming ourselves... for now, let's fix the things we can so when your brother finally comes home, we'll welcome him with open arms and a warm welcome." I sniffled.

Osamu: "How are you so sure that Atsumu will come home?"

Mr. Miya: "Because it's Atsumu..." He smiled at me. "And no matter what he says or thinks right now, this is still his home; we are his home that will always take him in no matter what."

Osamu: "A- -Atsumu hates me... He said that I was never a family and a brother to him..." His anger, bitterness, and pain echoed in my head as I remembered that dreaded day. "Bu- - but I want to change that! I want my brother back! I want Atsumu back!" I stared at my Dad who was surprised for a second before relaxing into a smile. "But can I really... I- - I'm scared...Wi- - will he really ta- - take us back?"

Mr. Miya: "Samu... there is no home that's perfect and even when a home is close to being one... there will always be something that needs fixing; things that will need improvement... The important thing is that we are willing to fix it."

Osamu: "Bu- - But what if he doesn't want to - - "

Mr. Miya: "There will always be a way to fix things... and in our case, it will take a lot of time and effort but not impossible."

Osamu: "Can we really..."

Mr. Miya: "Yes, and we'll start with you, then you can invite your friends and teammates so we all could talk." He patted my back "Fix things one step at a time" Before leaving my room, he gave a reassuring smile.

I took my phone from the night stand. I took a shaky breath as I played with my phone before opening it.

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tbc (Sorry for the long wait... my laptop broke...)

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