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Atsumu was discharged today. The doctor told them that Atsumu shouldn't be put under a lot of stress for a while and would need a lot of rest, he's mental state is very fragile. Sakusa fixed their stuff, not letting Atsumu lift a finger.

Sakusa held Atsumu's hand all the way to the car and still held on while he drove back to their dorm. He would squeeze the fake blonde's hand every now and then giving him reassurance which Atsumu was grateful for.

When the two finally reached their dorm, Atsumu stopped in front of his room.

Atsumu: "Omi..." He called for the taller male who was in the living room.

Sakusa: "Hmm?" He walked to the smaller male; carrying their stuff.

Atsumu: "Why is my door... broken?" He looked at the taller male beside him who was scratching the back of his head in embarrassment.

Sakusa: "You weren't answering and I didn't know what to do..."

Atsumu: "We have extra keys for our rooms in the kitchen drawer..."

Sakusa: "I- - I panicked..." He was sweating from the fake blonde's look at him. "I'm sorry... I'll get that fix as soon as possible..." His shoulder dropped.

The raven haired male looked like an abandoned puppy. Atsumu couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. Such an adorable man. He thought as Sakusa kept his head low. He smiled and leaned closer to his face; doing tippy toes to reach his cheek, giving a small kiss. At first Sakusa didn't move; still processing what happened. He slowly turned to his side, looking at the fake blonde with wide eyes and a face that was beyond the red hue scale.

Atsumu: "Hehe, thank you for saving me, Omi." He beamed a very beautiful smile.

Sakusa's POV

I still couldn't believe what had just happened but looking at Atsu, he was breathtaking. I touched my cheek where he kissed me, I felt my stomach do a backflip and my heart wanting to leap out of my chest. And just like that, my body tackled Atsu to the floor and just attacked his whole face with kisses.

Atsumu: "Hehehe, Omi!" He giggled. "Get off!" But I just kept going. "You're heavy!!" He struggled in my arms.

Sakusa: "No." I snuggled my face on to his cheek and kept rubbing the tip of my nose on it.

Atsumu: "Omiiii!" He cupped my face to stop me and I pouted. "Hehe" he giggled again, he just kept getting more beautiful, how is that possible? Then we just stared at each other and I drowned in his beautiful honey brown eyes. I leaned in closer and rested my forehead on his and we stayed like that for a few minutes.


After my sweet little moment with Atsu, we got cleaned up and cleaned the place. We ate dinner. Atsu took a shower first while I washed the dishes.

When I finished showering, I went straight to my room to see Atsu sitting on my bed, waiting while he fidgeted with his fingers. I knelt down in between his legs and held his hands; gently rubbing my thumb on them and giving light kisses. I looked up to see Atsu looking like he wanted to cry. I cupped his face and smiled at him.

Sakusa: "Atsu... If you're not ready to tell me, it's ok, I understand." He relaxed a bit. "I'll wait till you're ready... But..." I took one of his hands and placed it on my cheek. "You need to tell me at some point Atsu..." He closed his eyes and just nodded weakly. "Atsu... look at me...'' And he did. "No matter what... I'll never leave you, ok?" He nodded again, tears were forming, so I just hugged him.

We cuddled in my bed in comfortable silence. He rested his head on my chest while I played with his fluffy hair; he smells like lemon.

Atsumu: "Omi..." He didn't move.

Sakusa: "Hmm?"

Atsumu: "I'm ready to tell..." He sat up.

Sakusa: "Are you sure? I don't want you to- -"

Atsumu: "It's alright..." I sat up. "I'm tired, Omi..." He looked at me with such sad eyes that just broke my heart. "I can't keep everything to myself anymore..." He started crying.

Sakusa: "Come here..." I pulled him onto my lap and just embraced him. "I'm here... you can tell me."

Atsumu's POV

For so long as I can remember, I have been haunted by my past that it still eats me alive to this day. There wasn't a day I didn't suffer.

I looked at Omi. Ever since I met him again, I felt a little light, I felt like I could breathe again. And now, he's embracing me and giving me a safe place. I looked down again; taking a shaky breath and opened my mouth.

Atsumu: "I didn't know when it actually started but I remembered I had a happy family once." I teared up at the memory. "It was my dad, my mom, Osamu, and Me... Dad was such a caring man that prioritized his family, he would always play with us, make us laugh, and just- - he was just amazing. Mom- - mom was a lovely woman... She would take care of us, cook us delicious food , and would give us lots of hugs and kisses. Then there was Osamu... when we were little, we were always together; holding each other's hand wherever we went, we would sleep next to each other because we just couldn't handle being apart for too long. Osamu used to be a crybaby and I would always comfort him whenever he felt alone, scared, or getting bullied... Everything was just perfect..." I smiled while remembering. Omi kissed my head and I rested on his chest as I continued on.

Atsumu: "Everything started changing when Dad had to go overseas for work. It started with Osamu... He stopped everything that we were always doing together, calling me weird and annoying." I felt Omi's embrace tighten. " Then as we grew older we would always get into fights and arguments... I didn't mind all that, because for me, Osamu was still my twin and I love him, but..." My tears started falling non-stop. I buried my face in Omi's chest. "Everything kept changing, and changing! AND CHANGING!" I cried. "Mom started hitting me, and as I got older, she got more violent! Everyday I feared for my life; thinking is this the day I'll die?! Whenever she looked at me, she didn't see a son nor a person! I was just trash to her!" Omi stayed quiet, but I could feel the top of my head getting wet. "And it wasn't any better in school... I was always bullied! They beat me up! They called me names! I hated it! I hated them! I HATED MYSELF!!!

Sakusa: "A- - Atsu..." He whimpered. I sat up from his embrace.

Atsumu: "But I endured all of that... be- -because despite all of it..." My throat was starting to hurt from crying, my breathing was a bit unsteady. "I had you..." I looked at him. He was a crying mess as well. He was about to reach for me... "But even you hated me..." He froze at my words. I cried again, wiping my tears and nose with my hands and arms.

Sakusa's POV

Atsu looked at me, his eyes were puffy and red; still crying non stop. He looked so broken. His mouth quivered...

Atsumu: "Why Omi?"






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