What Happened

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Morning came and Sakusa woke up alone in his bed. He sat and rubbed his eyes. He sat up and adjusted to the light that was enveloping the room. He looked around to see any sign of a particular fake blonde, when there was none, he got up and went to the living room.

Sakusa: "Atsu...?" He saw the fake blonde sitting on the couch, his back facing him. He got closer and saw he was holding a piece of paper. He sat next to him and hugged him from behind. "Morning, Atsu..."

The smaller male turned to face the taller male and handed him the piece of paper that he was holding. Sakusa took it and his eyes widened.

On the piece of paper , there it read:

Osamu Miya

No. 0x-xxx-xxx-xxx

Address xxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxx

Shop xxx xxx xxxxx xxxx

Sakusa: "A-Atsu... I can explain..." But the smaller male wasn't saying anything, he wasn't even looking at the taller male, which made him panic a little bit. "A- -Atsu... Are you mad?"

Atsumu: "Omi...Why?" He was calm.

Sakusa's POV

Sakusa: "I just wanted to help you, Atsu...You need to face this- - face them... " I held his hands. "You won't get through this if you keep running away...

Yo- - you'll always get nightmares...

You'll a- - always get tho- - those panic attacks...

And those voices... will never go away...." My voice started to shake "Atsu... I'm scared..." My eyes got teary and my hands started to tremble. "I'm scared that one day you'll get overwhelmed again and ha- -hate me..." My heart ached "I'm scared you'll leave me again and I'll never see you again...A- - Atsu... I can't handle that again... I don't want to go through that hellish life where I'll always wonder where it all went... wrong... if I did something wrong! Everyday I would worry if you're doing ok or hurt somewhere..." I cried "I'm scared... Atsu, I'm scared...that you'll get tired and just... won't... wake up one day..." I broke down on my own words; crying and choking to gasp for air.

Atsu pulled me into his arms... He was comforting me. He rubbed circles on my back and hummed soft reassuring words and I calmed down.

Atsumu: "I'm not mad at you, Omi... I was just surprised... I thought- -" He gulped "I thought they... found me..." He looked scared and so sad. He pulled me into a tight hug before looking at me again.

Atsumu's POV

Atsumu: "Omi... 2- -2 years ago... Whe- - when I left... " I felt my voice getting smaller. " I have lived off on the streets with nowhere to sleep, no food, no anything... You would think I wouldn't have to worry about me getting abused anymore but NO!" I yelled "Even after running away I was still suffering because of him!" I felt so angry... So frustrated! "I HAD NOTHING! I HAD NOWHERE TO GO! I HAD ONONE!"

No matter how much I think about it, I just can't see why all of this was happening to me. Just why did I have to go through so much?! Nothing was ever easy for me!

Sakusa: "Atsu... I'm here... " He pulled me into his arms. "I'm here."

Atsumu: "Then I met him again..." I gritted my teeth. "I met Osamu again.


It's been 2 months since I ran away. I was still wearing the same clothes I wore when I left training camp. I was walking around when I walked past some guys. I kept walking but they started calling for me. I just ignored them but they didn't like that.

Guy 1: "Aay... think you're better than us?!" He grabbed my shoulder and whipped me around to turn to them. But I didn't show much reaction.

Guy 2: "You think you could take a stroll around our territory?" I kept quiet and held my head low.

They surrounded me. One of them grabbed my hair and made me look up at him.

Guy 3: "I don't like those eyes of yours." He glared at me.

Guy 4: "Haha, it looks like he doesn't like you." He teased the other guy.

Guy 3: "You think so?" He looked at his friend "Now, that just makes me sad." He shrugged and turned his back on me. "Guess we can't be friends." He then back handed slapped my face; I fell to the ground.

I stood up and punched him. But his friends grabbed me and held me back. They started beating me up, kicking me while I protected my head. As much as I felt numb, I still knew that my body could break. They kicked me on the stomach and I started coughing blood. Is this where I'm finally going to die?

My vision started to blur when I heard someone yell from a distance and the thugs started running away. The stranger started helping me up but I pushed him away and started walking back to the park. I cleaned myself up in a public bathroom.

I walked to a bench and just sat there while I leaned my head back. I closed my eyes trying to think.

???: "Atsumu" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked to see who called. My eyes widened.

Atsumu: "What are you doing here?" He looked like he'd seen a ghost. "Tsk" I stood and was about to leave when I felt a hold on my wrist. I turned to look at him, desperately holding onto me. "What do you want, Osamu?" I spat, he flinched a little, tears were forming in his eyes.

Osamu: "Ca- -Can we ple- -please talk?" He started shaking. "Please..." I sighed and took him to a more secluded part of the park. When we were finally alone. "Atsumu... Please come home..." He was looking down.

Atsumu: "Why?"

Osamu: "Please... I'm sorry Atsumu..." He was crying. "Da- -Dad and me have been looking for you..." He finally looked at me. "I- -I miss you, Atsumu..." He choked "I- -I'm sorry..." I gritted my teeth and balled my fist.

Atsumu: "Don't pretend..." I was holding back.

Osamu: "A- -Atsu- -"

Atsumu: "Shut up! Stop calling me like that!" He froze. "Don't tell me to go back to that house when you don't even know what's happening!"

Osamu: "A- -"

Atsumu: "NO! You threw me aside!" He flinched. "YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I SUFFERED IN THAT HOUSE THAT YOU CALLED HOME!" No, no, no... I'm feeling something... I'm getting emotional. "I accepted that you were the favorite one, that you were the best; the better twin! that you were everything I could never be because I thought that despite everything that everyone has put me through, that YOU put me through, I thought you loved me... " I'm crying?! My chest hurts. I need to get out of there, but my emotions are overflowing; I can't stop! "When everyone turned their backs on me, I felt like sh*t, but it didn't matter because I had YOU... My family, my brother, my twin, my literal other half. But then... YOU turned your back on me as well..." I glared at him. He was on his knees, crying. "When that happens...Tell me, what do you think I have left?"

He's not even doing or saying anything, yet he's still hurting me this much. I wiped my tears and tried my best to fix myself up.

Atsumu: "I'm not going back with you..." I glared at him.

Osamu: "Tsumu... please... I'm sorry" His head was on the ground and can't stop crying so much. He looked up with pleading eyes, desperate for his brother; desperate for me.

But it was my turn to turn my back on him.






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