The Doctor

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Atsumu's POV

I never knew that there will come a day that I'll be able to let all these feelings out to someone. I'm actually letting everything out. It hurts so much; remembering everything and actually talking about it. Yet, it actually feels good.

In Omi's arms, I felt so safe. Yes it hurts that I blamed him 2 years ago... but I'm so happy that he never gave up on me.

Sakusa: "Atsu..." He stroked my head, helping me calm down. "At the hospital, the Doctor actually talked to me..." I looked up at him. "About you... Atsu, he knew you..." He wiped my tears.

Atsumu: "Yeah..." I looked down and a small smile formed on my lips. "He actually found me when I was about 10... I think..." I laid my head on Omi's chest. "I got bullied in school and went home, a mess... My Mom wasn't too happy about it. She went on a rampage on my small body... After beating me, she literally threw me in the basement and didn't feed me for the rest of the day." I took a shaky breath. "After midnight, when I thought everyone was asleep... I snuck out the basement and tried to scavenge for food in the trash, cause I knew if I raid the fridge, Mom will find out it was me..." Omi rubbed my back. "But she found me..." I felt my eyes stung. "She threw me out of the house..." My voice was shaking. "That was the first of many that I was left outside to sleep." I can't stop my tears anymore. "I would always be cold, hungry, and alone... but what scared me was the times I would almost get abducted or some creepy guy would approach me... I would always run and run..."

I looked at Omi, I didn't know what I looked like, but Omi looked devastated as he stared at me. His eyes were glossy.

Atsumu: "After running for a while, I found a safe place; in a secluded park... and I would always go there whenever Mom would throw me out, or when I knew she was going to beat me." I wiped my face, fixing myself up. "One night, after a really bad beating... she threw me out in the pouring rain. I ran to the park and crawled under a bench that was covered with a piece of newspaper. I slept there, drenched, hungry, and in a lot of pain..." I felt angry. "The next day, My whole body ached and felt like it was on fire...I was shaking uncontrollably... and that's when the Doctor found me..." I calmed down at the memory.

Atsumu: "He brought me to the hospital... He took care of me and my injuries, he gave me food..." Despite everything that had happened to me, there was still some good. "Since then, whenever I'm badly hurt or in really bad shape... I would go to the Doctor, and not once he turned me away..." I looked at Omi "Omi... I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for him..." I smiled and so did Omi.

Sakusa: "How about we visit him on our next day off, just to give thanks..." I nodded happily.

Atsumu: "Thank you, Omi..."





tbc ( I know this is short... sorry)

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