I'm Happy

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It has been 3 months since the incident with my mother, and it looks like she took my threat seriously because she never bothered us again. My relationship with Osamu gradually improved and we were back to being close again, not to mention, he became a bit protective of me which was Omi-approved.

Dad and Osamu would mostly come to my games to cheer me on and they always bring some food from the restaurant.

Me and Omi were at practice and it was time for a break. I was sitting with Omi by the bench as we talked when Osamu came in with bentos on his hands. We started eating in peace.

Osamu: "Ummm... Tsumu..." He looked nervous.

Atsumu: "Hmm?" I looked at him.

Osamu: "The weekends' coming up, is it alright if you guys stay at home? Dad kinda misses you guys..." I was a bit surprised.

Atsumu: "Why are you getting nervous over that?" I was genuinely confused.

Sakusa: "Yeah... it's not like we don't visit and stay over every 2 weeks..."

Osamu: "Actually..." He looked down, playing with his fingers. "It won't be just us..."

Atsumu: "What do you mean?" Omi just raised an eyebrow at my brother.

Osamu explained how he got in touch with our team and told them what had happened and they wanted to talk to me again. I was... speechless and so was Omi. Never in my life would I imagine that they would want to see me again, let alone talk to me.

Osamu: "They were as worried as we were when you left... they helped us in trying to find you, we kept in touch to keep everyone updated..." I really don't know what to say, this was unexpected. "The moment you accidentally met with Akagi, he told everyone and they all wanted to meet you right away,but didn't want to overwhelm you so they kept asking me about you..."

Atsumu: "Really?"

Osamu: "Yeah... Actually, we made plans on how to make it up to you, since 2 years ago... we never stopped hoping to find you and making things right... and last night, they asked if... it's alright with you... to meet... them..." Then he looked at me and started waving his hands in panic. "If you're uncomfortable with it, I can tell them! I me- - I- - I- -" He was sweating. "They can wait till you're ready!! I - -"

Atsumu: "Samu..." I held his hand. "It's alright..." He looked shocked.

Sakusa: "Are you sure, Atsu?" He wrapped his arms around my waist, he looked so worried.

Atsumu: "Yes, Omi..." I kissed his cheek and smiled at him. "I'll be fine... besides, I'll have you by my side." He smiled and snuggled on my neck. I giggled.

After practice, Omi and I went straight to Dad's house. Osamu said he had to do some inventory before going home and the others were too nervous to meet me on their own so they decided to wait for Osamu.

We got to the house and Dad gave us a warm welcome.

Mr. Miya: "Hiiii Tsumu! I missed you!" He hugged me then let go. "And how's my future son in law?" He patted Omi, they've become really close.

Atsumu: "Daaad, stop calling him that..." My face heats up. "It's embarrassing!" I whined.

Sakusa: "Why?" They both looked at me. "He's not wrong though..." Ugh, these two! I walked past them as they laughed, and went into the living room.

It has been 2 hours since we got here and Osamu and the others were still not here. Must've been a very busy day for Samu. Then we heard the door open, Dad greeted the people and led them to the living room.

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