࿏ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 63 ࿏

Start from the beginning

The group walked out onto the street, the brunette girl pulling up her mask and shifting her hat slightly to hide herself from the world. Bill rolled his eyes but kept one foot in front of the other. Music from pubs filled the streets, the group of friends walking past a few restaurants. The skeleton man walked past a couple-- one of the two having a nice Thai meal with fried rice, it made his mouth water.

Aimsey looked back at the younger who was lagging behind the pair. She rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm, pulling him along. Tubbo had to stifle a laugh as Bill protested.

"We'll get you some fried rice on the way home" the movie star bargained. Bill's eye lit up slightly as he smirked. He tugged his arm away and kept going.

"I'll hold you to that."

"Shush" Tubbo stopped the other two brunettes and pulled them off the pathway and into an alleyway. If they had any smarts about them then they would run from this alley as it had a few drug users inside its walls, yet, they stayed and simply ignored the lesser people. "Wanna rob that convenience store for the hell of it?"

All their eyes narrowed in on the small corner store down the road. People came in and out of it; teens with their slushies and vapes, people dipping in for smokes and others for their quick meal between shifts. It looked rundown on the side and the big sign on the front was practically falling apart-- one of the letters' lights fading while two were already dead.

Tubbo dug into his satchel and smirked, a gun occupying his right hand as he turned off the safety and shoved in a pack of bullets with a click. Bill smiled, his white teeth showing as he motioned for the older teenager to pass him the knife. The trigger happy teen gladly handed it over, looking over at Aimsey who only nodded his head as he pulled his own gun out of his jacket's pocket.

Footsteps sounded behind them, Bill not hesitating to turn around and stab the approaching figure. A woman with white hair and wrinkles slowly sank to the ground as the teenager twisted his knife in her abdomen. He smiled as he watched the other druggies back up in fear and scrambled back away into the dark. Clearly, they were thinking they could rob the group to buy more substance. He wonders if Wilbur or Sam had given any of them their lifeline.

He wrenched the bloodied knife out of the woman and let her fall to the ground. The skeleton turned back to his friends and nudged his head out towards the street. The other two nodded and casually walked away from the body as if it were nothing; she didn't even let out a scream. Shame.


"Come on!" Tubbo yelled. The cashier scrambled to take the money from the register. The occupants of the small little shop were all on the floor, Aimsey walking around them, her boots clicking against the floor. Bill laid against a wall, flipping his knife in his fingers as he glared around the room. These people knew who at least two of the three were. Bill looked over at a pair-- whether they were a couple, friends or siblings he didn't know. They were both cute though. He gave with a little smirk and wink before turning back to look at Tubbo.

The cashier shoved the money into a bag and hastily pushed it into the direction of the bigger of the three evils. There was no denying that the trigger happy teen was the most villainous out of them. He was more deranged and sadistic, not to mention, practically the son of Phil Watson. He took the bag with a fake smile of security, turning his gun to the man.

"Hey, Billzo?"

"Wassup, Tubs?" The skeleton looked up from the people who littered the floor. Police were yet to be called and no gunshots had been fired as of yet so there was no cause for concern... yet.

"What are the odds-" Oh, Bill liked this. "-that I shoot this man?"

"Best of 5?"

"Yeah, go on then. Count us in, A." Tubbo nodded. The cashier tumbled, as the masked girl began to count. They increased the pitch of their voice slightly; the boys knowing exactly why. It was almost as if their voice wasn't theirs, the sound a sweet melody and sounded too innocent to be caught up in a mess like this. The air in the store became thick. The people on the floor all lowered their heads, one of them weeping quietly.

Guess they didn't expect to be in the middle of a petty robbery with a member of the sleep boys, another from an allied gang and a mysterious person. What losers.




Word count: 1,494

Billzo <3

I wrote this chapter MONTHS ago (this story is actually very old, like BearSMP was still a thing old)) and I wish I added Ranboo as well now :((

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