51 - 오십일 장

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(Fiftieth-one chapter)

The competition was near.

Sowon fell to the floor like a heap of sand, gracefully rolling on the marbled floor and let out a small contented sigh when her sweaty and burning body temperature started to grow neutral with the ice-cold ground.

"This i-is. . .better."

She mumbled but couldn't find the ability to make her words clearly. To be precise she sounded like a drunk woman with slurry pronunciation, kissing the ground in happiness because she was feeling hot.

What a sight that was.

The music playing in the background started to fade away into a softer and smaller tune. Her eyelids felt heavy and it was hard to overcome the temptation to sleep on the floor like that for as long as she wanted. Only if she could do that.

"And here, I thought you were practising your best."

Sowon groaned. Not again, she only wanted to practice her dance in peace. In between the hours whenever she took a five-minute break, someone would barge into the studio with different excuses and end up calling her lazy.

Heaving her tired body up, Sowon stood up and brushes her clothes off any dirt that was clinging to her. Then she turned to give a glare at the male standing in the doorway, clearly waiting for her attention.

"I don't think you are welcome here."

"Oh come on won-won, you know I will always watch and support where you go."

"Stop being so cheesy dad, why are you here so late?"

She grabbed a towel to wipe her sweat over her face and neck, taking a sip of her water which cooled down her parched throat. With the relinquishing feeling, she gulped more ice water until the liquid finished and Sowon chucked the empty bottle into the trash bin.

"Can't I watch my daughter practice?"

Mr Han pretended to frown as he looked around, seeming to be impressed by the interior designs. Sowon shook her head, unable to hide the small smile on her lips. A gust of wind blew in through the window and Sowon shivered, feeling chills over her skin.

What was that?

Maybe it was the effect of drinking a whole bottle of iced water that cooled her body down, enough to make her feel the cold again. So she walked up and closed the window the action catching her father's eye.

"Are you cold?"

"Yes. The temperature just got suddenly chill and colder, don't you feel it?"

"Me? I don't think so."

She frowned. Her body was somehow still shivering, every movement or blow of air giving her a dreadful feeling. How could her father not feel it? Perhaps he was not giving much insight.

Mr Han explored the studio which he had heard about before, the one Namjoon bought for Sowon as a gift since she had no other place to practice but never got a good time to visit until today. Namjoon was supposed to come to pick his daughter up but Mr Han volunteered to come for tonight.

•𝐄𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞• ||「𝐾𝑁𝐽」Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα