29 - 이십구 장

272 31 71

(Twenty-ninth chapter)

Tap tap tap.

Sowon puckered her lips, trying to find the right words to jot down on her diary since it's been a few days that she didn't write anything.

What should she write about?

So many things had already transpired in her life and Sowon won't lie that those experiences were nothing she had expected. Not that she was complaining because they taught her a lot of lessons.

'Dear diary, it's been only two-three weeks yet I feel like my head is about to explode with several emotions because so much has happened (I might have written something similar like this line in the previous page but who cares). But again, when has my life been quiet since he arrived?'

'Where should I even start from? My life is like a ship sailing on a turbulent and chaotic sea, directed by only waves and the current of the water. I don't even expect anything now because I am eventually habited to surprises and we are all just going with the flow.'

Sowon stopped for a moment, considering if she should write about the incidents in detail but opted against it because she was too lazy.

'I didn't have any hope left after the incident with Hoseok, I could not forgive myself. I was constantly blaming myself with guilt eating my heart every day and night until I went berserk. Heck, I still can't believe that I made such a mess of my room just because I went out of control for a moment. Dad is repairing my room and it will be soon done but I am currently sharing rooms with Namjoon. Can you believe that?

Mom is...just the same but dad supports my decision nowadays and I couldn't be more grateful to him. Namjoon and I have fought numerous times during this short period yet we reconcile again. Don't be shocked when I say that he bought a whole building just to give me a studio to practice since my competition is up in a few months.

He and I shared a moment of dance and it was different, blissful. You know I never dance with anyone and always hide because I feel insecure. But those thoughts and feelings oddly disappeared when I was with him. Either way, I enjoyed the dance and yesterday we shared and ate ice cream together.

How Namjoon still remembers my favourite flavour is still a mystery because it's been so long. Anyways I am thinking to spend my time more practising my dance plus the studio is really comfortable. I'll stop here but more may come in the future.'

"Ah finally."

Sowon grunted, massaging her wrists as she dropped the pen. Her fingers were aching slightly because she was writing after a long time.

"Hmm, what's this?"

"Wha-" Sowon flinched at the sudden voice and turned to face the person but froze on her spot when she saw Namjoon's face really close to her.

He didn't look bothered as his eyes were still fixed on the table. Her eyes widened and she gasped, suddenly pulling away her diary from his prying stare.

"W-What are you doing? Don't you know it's rude to read someone's diary?"

"Ah, so that's your diary? But I couldn't read anything since you had such terrible handwriting."

•𝐄𝐫𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞• ||「𝐾𝑁𝐽」Where stories live. Discover now