Chapter Seventy-Eight: Expecting

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However, the young couple had found away around his constant watchful gaze and Fitzroy feared what this could mean for his courtly career. 

Anne was silent for a moment, his words catching her off guard and Anne knew that the fact that Fitzroy had fathered a child was news that would not stay quiet for long. 

It had not been many years ago that Henry considered making his bastard son his heir, it was only her marriage to the King and the birth of Alexander that had truly undone such plans. 

Anne had to act accordingly, she could not allow anyone to think that Fitzroy could be considered in anyway a threat to her own boy. 


11th of April 1535 - Milan, Italy

Walking through the halls of the palace, Mary tried to hide her nerves as she approached her husband while he spoke with one of his cousins; she forced a pleasant smile to her face as she greeted them both before linking arms with Ippolito. 

It was hard to believe that only a few months ago, they had been contented with their life in England; Mary had always known that coming to Italy would happy but she had never thought it would happen like this. 

The fall of Milan had been easier than she had imagined, the sickly Duke had fallen rather quickly and now their attentions turned to Florence. 

Plans were slowly being made so that they could retake the ancestral home of her husband, Mary had planned to ride in with him when the city was taken; she had spent time immersing herself in the Italian culture. 

The last thing that she wished for was the Florentines to think of her as nothing more than a foreigner; she wished to see the Medici returned to their rightful place and not displaced ever again. 

"Husband," Mary greeted softly, she pressed a kiss to his cheek before nodding to the man that he was speaking with; she was certain he was one of Ippolito's Salviati cousins that had come to Milan to offer his support at his mother's instructions. 

There were many whispers that the Emperor had summoned his brother to Spain in preparation for an attack against them, he would likely supply Alessandro with an army as well considering he planned for the man to marry one of his daughters. 

The rumour was that it was his eldest bastard that he had offered to Alessandro, it made more sense to Mary that it would be instead of his young daughter by the Empress. 

The Salviati cousin made his excuses to leave and Mary watched him knowing that Lucrezia de' Medici's plans to install Ippolito to Florence had not entirely gone down well. 

There were members of her family that would have preferred that she back a Salviati to the throne of Florence but she had refused wishing to see her father's legacy truly restored and the Medici name. 

Ippolito slowly led his wife towards the beautiful gardens away from prying eyes, only two of her ladies following so that Mary would not be alone and unattended.

"We shall travel to Florence soon enough, Lucrezia shall remain here at the court of the young Duke of Milan," Ippolito said knowing that their daughter would be safer here in Milan than if she travelled with them. 

They would send for her to join them when the city of Florence was under their control, Ippolito had no doubts that Florence would not fall as easy as a Milan had done and would take time to come to heel. 

"Agreed, it shall be better for her to remain and we can appoint a governess to watch over her," Mary agreed with a nod of her head, she had already started to look at the Italian noble ladies that would be suitable for such a position. 

She would not have it said that her children were not educated correctly, she knew what was expected and her daughter needed to be a shining example of a Medici lady. 

"Then we shall ride into Florence together when the city is taken," Ippolito assured her, he would have no doubts left that it was them that ruled Florence rather than the French King or his father-in-law. 

He could already hear the cheers of the people welcoming back the true Medici to the city, they had been under the rule of those who were not fit to hold the Medici name. 

Alessandro and Pope Clement had taken the throne of Florence when they did not deserve it, they had tried to take his place and Ippolito was more than prepared to fight back. 

"Of course," Mary agreed with a smile, she squeezed his arm and hoped that the battle would take place sooner rather than later; she doubted that she would be able to hide her condition for long. 

The one thing that Mary would not tell her husband before she needed to do so; she knew that if she told Ippolito that she suspected that she was with child that he would force her to stay behind. 

Mary might not have been fighting but she knew that he would only see danger if she came with him when the army marched on Florence. 

Instead she would hide her pregnancy for as long as she could, there were ways for her to conceal her bump when it became obvious so that she could be with him when they rode into Florence.  

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