Chapter 9: Bakugou's Lament

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A few days prior to the questioning

Nezu is back in his office reviewing the evidence, saddened at how little humanity has progressed mentally. To muzzle the smartest student in their schools bec
cause he was quirkless, he would very much enjoy destroying the school. Watching the videos he notices a strange detail, they're all reading the same book, a red cover with black writing, this is setting off Red flags in his mind. Maybe 2 or 3 people would enjoy the same book, but not every person in the staff from these 3 schools. This almost confirms a terrifying suspicion he had as to why Izuku's treatment was brutal. He would have Aizawa, Yamada, and Nemuri Kayama (Midnight) on the spot along along with the hidden police force, to look for the books. He presses his finger on the intercom, giving an announcement.

"Would Eraserhead, Present Mic, and Midnight please come to the principal's office at the end of the school day? Thank you." Nezu says, knowing it isn't a request, he would rather not have so many people in on the arrest, but their quirks are perfect for it, a cancelation and knockout quirk, with one with good power to use against if needed. He continues to go through the evidence, looking at the DNA test from the Muzzles, which confirm their suspicions that these one were the ones used, and weren't used on anyone away from the camera. At least not as often.

A few hours later the 3 heroes walk in, Aizawa and Yamada taking a good guess about why they brought Nemuri in. "Ahh, it's good to see you 3 again, but I wish it were under nicer circumstances." Nezu solemnly says.

"Is this about what Sho and I did this past week?" Mic asked.

"Yes it is, and with some interesting developments, I have deemed it fit for Midnight to join in as well. I know your confused, and I'll show you our little 'side project.'" Nezu says, gesturing Nemuri to look at his computer, shock, anger, disgust, and fearful expressions adorning her face.

"T-this is awful, w-why would those God awful teacher instigate something like this?" She asked no one.

"That's why I brought you in, as extra protection, during the teachers free time, I notice that they are reading a book, a red book with black writing on the cover. You may not recognize the book, but I'm afraid I do, and it explains their actions in amazing detail. Do you guys remember the Meta Liberation Army?" Nezu asked. Horror filled their faces at what he was insinuating.

"You don't mean..." Mic says.

"Oh I do, unfortunately I have a big suspicion that the staff at these few Institutions are supporters of the MLA, and they were grooming their students to believe what they were doing was right. This isn't just a discrimination case unfortunately, it's the belief that they are superior, and that the quirkless are the downfall of society, that they are in the Anti-Meta Army. And that's why the schools are getting shut down, the evidence here is enough to be the quickest court case this side of Japan has ever seen. But this is enough to not only land them in Tartarus with no trial, but to be labeled as terrorists, and these books can possibly lead to the leader who is distributing them." Nezu explains.

"In 2 days time I'll have multiple heroes on standby with the police, all hidden around the schools, while you 3 will visit each of the schools separately and gather the copies of the books. I'll visit the Highschool, as that was the school with the worst case against them. Are we clear?" Rat Satan asked. They all nod.

"Good, I'll call up some heroes and the police force for my plan, your all dismissed. As they left Nezu goes to his phone and calls up whoever is available then, excited to help take down a terrorist group, all because of one boy, he hopes the devils are treating him well.

2 days later

We find dozens of heroes and policemen inside of a police station meeting room, explaining the plan and their reasoning as to why the heroes are here. They prepare for their attack.

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