Savannah went to punch him but he caught it.

Like actually caught the punch.

Savannah was a super-soldier, he wasn't supposed to be able to do that.

She lifted her other arm only to find that it was sore.

Was she getting weaker?

What the hell was going on?!


Pierce watched from the safety of the chair in the medical room as different doctors carefully looked at different machines.

The process of getting Savannah under control had taken too long so one of the doctors gave him the amazing idea of making her weaker.

Which was what they were doing now, getting ready to suck out some of her blood.

She was lying flat on the hospital bed, they'd injected her enough to knock out five grown adults but still, they had tasers nearby just in case.

There was a tube sticking out of her arm, blood flowing from her body to the blood bags that were hanging.

The amount of blood they were taking would've been alarming to anyone.

Anyone other than Alexander Pierce, however, who kept telling the doctor that they should take more, make her even weaker, he was impatient for that chip to start working.

When the doctor informed him that if they took any more blood, she may not be able to recover, Pierce agreed that it was probably enough and they placed her back in the cryosleep chamber.

And now they had a shit ton of Savannah's blood.

Pierce's head spun with the possibilities of what they could do with that.

But for now, he focused back on the sleeping girl in the freezer.

She wouldn't be able to fight it much longer, soon he'd have every single thing he'd been working toward.

Soon he'd be unstoppable.


Savannah was pushed off of Rogue as he began to stand up.

But she was more worried about the fact that she felt so weak, so tired.

What the hell was going on?!

"Something wrong Princess?" asked Rogue, slight amusement in his voice as if he knew exactly what had happened.

Savannah ignored him and began to stand up herself although she felt incredibly weak.

And soon she was being pushed to the ground again. Her head hit the hard floor and she groaned before rolling onto her stomach to avoid the kick that was sent to her head.

Savannah crawled up to her knees and frowned when she saw that he had picked up the sword again.

And why was she getting even more tired?

What was happening to her body?!

Rogue walked toward her slowly and confidently as she got back up to her feet. He dragged the sword on the ground, the loud scraping sound of the metal against the floor was enough to make the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.

Savannah was a better fighter than him.

She would keep fighting him.

But at the moment, she was barely strong enough to keep herself standing.

And Rogue was the one with the weapon.

This whole situation was giving her deja vu.

Rogue was wearing his signature smirk as he approached her, giving Savannah the impression that he knew he had won.

He somehow knew what was happening to her, and he knew that there was no way she could fight like this.

Not with how weak she was feeling.

He raised the sword and Savannah ducked just in time as it came swinging toward her head.

He raised the sword again and Savannah tackled him to the ground before he had another chance to swing.

Savannah ended up getting more winded than he did at her current state, she rolled off of him and lay on her back, catching her breath again and trying to calm her rapidly beating heart which was trying to restore all the blood she'd already lost.

Rogue stood over her, one leg on each side of her.

And he was grinning.

"It's over Princess, you lost" he cheered, raising the sword pointing down right at her chest.

And Savannah didn't even have the strength to respond with something sarcastic, all she could do was watch helplessly as the sword came swinging down.

She weakly raised a hand and stopped the tip of the sword from entering her chest.

The only problem was, now her already bleeding hand was bleeding even more as the sword slowly slipped out her grip, closer and closer to her chest.

"Oh give up Savannah, it'll be so much easier." Said Rogue as he rolled his eyes.

And Savannah knew he wasn't real.

Real Rogue would've never called her Savannah, he would've only ever called her Princess.

"Who are you?" asked Savannah through gritted teeth as she struggled to keep the sword away.

"I'm only here to help," Rogue promised as he grinned down at her.

And Savannah didn't have the strength to disagree and point out that he'd been chasing her with a sword for the past few hours.

And her grip was slipping as blood rushed down her arms and dripped onto her face.

Savannah couldn't hold it anymore.

She was about to die.

And there was absolutely nothing she could do about it.

In one swift motion, the sword was being brought down, right into her chest.

And Savannah could no longer breathe.

Her lungs refused to accept air as she coughed up blood.

But Rogue was gone.

He had just disappeared and taken the sword with him.

She was alone now.

Alone and bleeding out in the showroom of the Russian Hydra base.

Just like it should've been at the actual fight.

The other champions should've had a chance to live.

Savannah's vision blurred and her arms dropped to her sides as she stopped fighting to breathe.

And Savannah knew she wouldn't make it back, she wouldn't make it home.

So much for her promise to Natasha that she'd come back.

So much for building legos with Peter. 

Little Princess  (An Avengers/ P.M. fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя