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Daniel's P.O.V

That sounded like the owner of this place.

We all rush to the entrance table where we find the woman held hostage with a dagger at the neck.

"No one comes closer! Else I'll murder the woman!"

That's a knight robber! But they usually roam around in groups! This man can't be alone... we have to be careful!

"Woman! Take me to your gold reserve!"

What should I do!? I can't stay here doing nothing!

"HALT!" I hear someone yell.


"Young man! You'd better leave the female alone! Otherwise the consequences won't be great! Our Commander General is heading here at the moment!"

These soldiers seem somewhat familiar, but they aren't from our Kingdom...

I watch as one of the soldiers tightly hold the robber's hand while the others pull him to the side freeing the keeper from his grip.

Impressive! I must say.

"You will regret this! My companions are all around this place!"

I totally regret my decision of bringing Grace to this place! What was I even thinking!! Now I've risked her life!

"Grace.. stick with me." I whisper to her.

"Let go of my man!" It seems like the leader thief has arrived.

A number of criminals emerge from behind of the towering, well-built long haired and bearded man. His attire itself could unnerve strong men.

The entranceway turns into a battlefield.

The soldiers and the thieves have their swords crossed while exchanging angry glares. The fact that they manage to kill some of the soldiers shows their strength.

"Grace! Take the others to the dining hall! I shall handle the situation!" I shout.

"But Prince-"

"Trust me! Everything will be fine!"

She lets go of a tear and then nods at me.

"Everyone, follow me!" My brave Lady shouts.

I take a fallen sword and get in the ferocious fight. Some other guests join me.

As I'm busy parrying a bandit, the sight of a little innocent girl crying in a corner seize my eyes.

A man is dangerously approaching the child!

General P.O.V

Daniel thrusts a blade in the stomach of the young looter and veers towards the little girl only to find the love of his life, Grace getting in the way of the robber to shield the kid.

His heart starts pounding loud as the fear of losing his beloved crashes over him.

"GRACE!" He cries out of genuine terror.

Grace's P.O.V

Universe! Even if I get sacrificed, nothing should happen to the child!

I clearly hear the bandit swinging his sword.

I firmly shut my eyes...


Someone blocked him! I turn around to look at my saviour.

A towering young man with broad shoulders and medium brown hairs, dressed in a metallic armour with a blue cape swaying behind, holds his glimmering sword against that of the evil-doer to protect my life!

He pushes the latter far behind and with a fluid swerve slits his throat.

He then turns to me.

"Are you alright?"

"Ye.. yes.. tha.. thank you" I reply panting.

"Grace! Are you fine?!" The Prince comes worried for me.

"Yes I'm alright." I assure him.

"Take the kid inside, I shall handle the situation!" My saviour says.

I take the little one in my arms and hurry to the dining room.

Daniel's P.O.V.

I owe this man my life for he has saved my love.

He elegantly intervene in the ongoing battle and ruthlessly eliminates enemies! He certainly is a great asset to his Kingdom.

Just as I'm about to head to the chief robber. The valiant guard interrupts me saying:

"Let me tackle this. I'm a trained soldier."

To which I reply:

"It's fine. I'm a trained Pri- soldier too."

We don't realise when the biggest enemy gets face to face to us. And, now we are both having to fight him.

Universe! This man is huge! It would not have been possible for only one man to fight him.

"Leave it kids! You are no match to me! Back off now, else you will regret!"

"I'd rather die to protect my people than to run away like a coward!" The guard gives him a fitting reply!

After a moment of incessant strikes the ultimate enemy now seems weary.

Upon noticing the death of almost all of his men, he shouts:

"Companions! Stop! It's futile to waste our energy battling these fools! Lets head back!"

"Hey! Where are you running!" I yell this time.

He manages to shove us out of the way, and takes to his heels!

We get up, follow him to the outside but in vain as he gets on his black horse and leaves the area along with his remaining group.

I let a sigh and get back inside to take care of the surviving soldiers.

A wave of relief wash over me as I notice Grace safe and sound already helping the injured.

"By the way, let me introduce myself." The one who fought by my side says.

"I'm Matthew, Matthew Brock, the Commander General of Dragonshore. And you are?"

That name seems somewhat familiar.

"What is there to hide from you now.. I'm Daniel, Daniel Maguire, the Prince of Grimwood." And everyone immediately bows to me.

"Good gracious, I'm honoured to have had the chance of welcoming a Prince to my inn." The owner tells me, with her hands folded to show her gratitude.

"Matthew?" Grace suddenly asks.

"Yes, Matthew Brock."

"Oh Universe!! Matt is that really you?!"

Coming up:

"Universe! I can't believe how much you've grown up!" Grace exclaims.

"GRACYYY!!" He cries as he clutches my love to him. Grace embraces him back...

"Let me accompany you to your kingdom." Matthew adds.

Daniel watches as Matthew holds Grace by her waist to help her get on his beautiful black Royal mare; a way that even Daniel himself never thought of.

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