Camryn and Malia look at each before looking back. They can do it. They can and they will.

"In a week, we have a fundraiser starting with the basketball team. A month ago, the cheerleaders did one with the football team and over the summer, they did one with the basketball team. We need to hit the same numbers, of over, that they did. I expect nothing less." Coach Netta says before they start teaching the new choreography.


Practice runs two hours and it's nearing 9 o'clock by the time we get out.

"Cam, when we get this new dance down to a T, we'll start working on ours. Find some good songs, I'll look too."

"Alright. I can't wait to start this. I know we can come up with some crazy choreo ." Camryn gets excited as we leave the building.

"I already have moves in my head. I just need the music." I call to her as I walk to my car.

"That's how my brain works, too! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"See you tomorrow."

When I get back to the suite, Chloe and Namjoon are sitting next to each other on the couch.

I walk in quietly not expecting them to hear me. I grab my things to shower and lock the bathroom door behind me.

While I'm showering, I can't help but think of high school. Seeing him back to back is really bothering the hell out of me.

Everything about that time is embarrassing to think about. How humiliated I was. How mean everybody acted. I didn't even know half those people. Hell, I didn't even know most of them and they were all so cruel.

I did so much mental work. I went through so much internally to create a fresh start for myself  just end up with him back in my vicinity. That's ridiculous.

Why am I being played with right now? One of the biggest moments of my life and I feel like somebody's running simulations and shit.

He probably told all his college boys what he did. It was a joke then like it's a joke now. It's okay, though. I will not be deterred by anyone.

But I hadn't even think about that before.

If his friends know. If anybody else knows. They must not if nobody's given me any funny looks or eyed me a certain way.

I worked too hard for this. He will not ruin my college experience. I will not allow him to do that.

In my head, none of it ever happened.

I will never speak on it again.

I step out of the shower and walk to my room with my towel around me. I get dressed in fuzzy pajama shorts and a long sleeved white T shirt. I grab the box of brownie mix off of my dresser and walk to the kitchen. Preheating the oven, I set it to 325 degrees.

Chloe sees me and double takes. "You're so quiet. I didn't even know you were back."

"Sorry if I scared you. I'm light on my feet."

"No, it's okay. My dad is like that. I don't think I can be scared by it much anymore."

"I get it from my dad too. He would pop around corners and scare me all the time growing up." I smile at the thought while I grab the eggs out of the fridge.

"I know the feeling." She says as she stands up. "I'm going to head to bed. The cheer team has a meeting at the crack of dawn." She yawns and stretches as she says the last couple of words.

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