Yunho nodded, but he couldn't help but worry San would not see it that way.

*     *     *     *     *

It was late when Hongjoong arrived back at the dorm. So, he was very surprised to see Seonghwa still up watching a drama. A feeling of dread and fear washed over him, as Seonghwa turned it off and turned to face him. The oldest member's face was grave and his eyes full of concern. Hongjoong went to sit on his bed across from him.

"Did something happen while I was out?" he asked.

"Sort of," Seonghwa replied. "It is something that has really been going on for a long time. It is about San."

Hongjoong straightened at this. "San? What about San?"

"Yunho came to me all upset today. Apparently San has bruises on him and he told Yunho, he had gotten into a fight." Seonghwa paused before lifting his eyes to meet the leader's. "You don't think the manager beat him for being disrespectful, do you?"

Hongjoong didn't answer. As much as he wished he could deny it, it was quite plausible. For now that he actually thought about it, San had been acting strange ever since that event. "We will talk to him tomorrow. He probably needs all the rest he can get."

Seonghwa sighed. "About that, he is actually just sitting in the living room alone right now. He said he was heading to bed soon, but last time I checked, he was still just sitting there in the dark."

Hongjoong let out a groan and rose to his feet. He had to have passed him on his way up. Leaving the room, Hongjoong walked down to the living room and switched the light on. Sure enough, a sleepy San blinked back at him.

"Why are you out here?" Hongjoong asked softly as he came to sit by his younger member's side.

San shrugged. "I couldn't sleep and didn't want to bother Yunho."

"You'd be bothering him when you crept back in later," Hongjoong pointed out, raising an eyebrow. When San didn't answer, Hongjoong moved closer. "San, if something or someone has hurt you, I need to know about it. Please don't hold it all back. It is hurting you even more."

San glanced at him sharply. "Yunho talked to you, didn't he?"

Hongjoong was taken aback by the ugly scowl that had crossed his dongsaeng's face. "He is worrying himself sick about you. He only wanted to help you, San." He leaned forward and took his hand. "San, did the manager hit you?"

It was San's turn to be taken aback. "Hyung," he whispered softly.

And in that moment, Hongjoong saw the hurt and ashamed child that had been holding on for so long. He reached out and pulled San into arms. The younger boy collapsed against him, his chest heaving as he sobbed with all his heart. "I am so sorry, San," Hongjoong murmured stroking his head. "I should have been a better hyung."

San did not answer. The tears he had held in for so long, the anguish that had been tearing him apart from the inside, it all came pouring out now. He clutched his leader as though he would never let him go, and was comforted by the strong arms about him.

*     *     *     *     *

San was feeling even more miserable and ashamed then ever. Hongjoong had talked with Seonghwa after last night's event. He then headed off to the Ceo's office to discuss his displeasure. But by the way he had come back, looking sour-faced and cranky, San knew it had been a hopeless talk. For even it the manager had overdone the punishment, it did not excuse the fact San had disrespected a manager, and that Hongjoong had allowed it to happen.

Feeling bitter and embarrassed that he had cried so much, San glared at his roommate. Yunho was seated on his own bed, playing a game on his phone. He felt the sharp glare and looked up.

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