"You fine as hell." Somebody says and my face heats up as I look down at my desk.

"So you graduated at 17? You a baby genius or something, huh?" I look at Tyrell and force a smile as I feel Namjoon staring at me.

"Something like that." I say as I look away.

Him calling me that just pulled up a whole bunch of things that I don't want to remember. He doesn't know, he didn't do it on purpose.

It's still there, though.

"Well, welcome to Georgia Tech, Malia." I look to see him smiling at me warmly. I force another smile back.

Professor Lewis lets us chat the rest of class and I stay to myself. I text Janae, knowing that she'll text me back as soon as she can. She'll be swamped soon. Physics major.

When the buzz sounds, I grab my stuff and walk out of the room. Janae texts me back when I get into the hallway and I step off to the side to read her text.

As I do so, I hear Tyrell and Namjoon's voices coming out of the class behind me.

"Oh, shit. You on the dance team?" Tyrell asks and I look up at him.

My head tilts to the side trying to figure out how he would even know that. His head gestures behind me and I turn to look.

On the wall is a poster for the team. Front and center as Captain is me. On my right is Camryn.

"Yeah." I say as I turn back to him. "I'm the Captain."

Both his and Namjoon's eyes widen.

"As a freshman?" Tyrell asks. "That's good shit." He makes an impressed face.

"You say that like you're not a freshman. You're in a college seminar class." I say to him and he smiles at me.

"I'm a sophomore. I opted not to take it my first year. Stupid because I definitely need it now, though. This college shit kinda hard." He says as he laughs.

I smile at him, genuinely this time. "If it was easy, everyone would get in. You need challenge sometimes. It builds character." I tell him in a joking voice as I walk away.

"Can't argue with that." He smiles as I turn my back to him.

I walk to my next class and it's the same as the first. Every class is the same today. Class introductions, handing out syllabuses and then meeting everybody else. To my dismay, I learn that Namjoon is in both my first class of the day and my last.

It's okay, though. I've learned the mastery of ignoring the fact that certain people exist.

After classes, I drive back to the suite side and get ready for the gym. Dressing in leggings and a t shirt, I grab my gym bag and text Camryn.

She lets me know that she's already there and tells me where to meet her when I get in. I follow her instructions and find her by the ropes.

Walking in, I realize that a lot of the guys from sports teams are in here. On the other side of the gym, other dancers are here. We wave to them before going back to our own thing.

We're in the back corner closest to the mirrors as we stretch. In front of us by the windows are the treadmills. Behind all of those are the weights. To the right of us on the other end of the gym are the bikes and other cardio machines.

"Bikes first?"

I nod as we walk over to them. 15 minutes of cycling and then we do squats. My thighs don't burn as much as I thought they would. They hurt but not too much. I'll feel this in the morning though for sure.

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