24|Tubbo and the festival

Start from the beginning

Tommys POV
Why wasnt she doing anything? Why wasnt she stopping this! They're gonna kill Tubbo! I'm gonna loose everything... Wilburs not Wilbur anymore, Y/N works for Manberg, I'm banished from my home and now...now I'm gonna watch my best friend die. I just wish Dadza was here...

"It sucks for me to say this, right here in front of everybody. I mean it's kind of awkward." Schlatts voice echos through his microphone.

"Schlatt please- I- I can't get out-" A single tear falls down Tubbos face, I can hear the fear in his voice.

"Tubbo. I know what you've been up too." No- that's not possibile, we covered our tracks, no one ever saw us or Tubbo enter or leave L'manberg.

"W-what have I been up too?" Tubbo was never a good liar, he couldn't lie to save his life, only difference is this time, that phrase is literal.

"Oh please 'What have I been up to' he says." Schlatt laughs, clearly enjoying watching Tubbos suffering.

"YOUVE BEEN CONSPIRING! With those idiots, with the tyrants, that we banished from this land, this great country, months ago, weeks ago? I don't even remember. Time files when you're having fun y'know." He turns his gaze from Tubbo to Y/N, she stands there, paused, frightened and shell shocked.

"Tubbo I don't know, if you know this but uh, Treason? It isn't exactly uh a respectable thing around here. I know what you've been doing. It all adds up buddy. The fucking tunnels, your absence from great events, I mean you WALKED OFF in the middle of this one!" Schlatts now pacing up and down the stage, taunting Tubbo.

"Tommy hold your fire." Wilbur voices crackles through my ear piece. "Be ready, but don't fire yet."

"Don't try and tell me you've done nothing wrong because everybody knows it Tubbo. I see it with my own two fucking eyes, I know exactly what you've been doing." Tubbo shakes more and more with each word Schlatt says.

"Do you know what happens to traitors Tubbo?" Schlatt looks back at Y/N quickly, then to Eret on the ground, and back to Tubbo.

"Nothing good."

I see Y/N shudder slightly, Eret almost didn't survive that day and he'll never fully recover from what she did. The guilt was slowly eating away at her, although she'd never admit it. Eret still had a slight tremble and a wobble in his leg, his leg was in a cast and a cage for over 10 months and after all that he had to have a support placed inside his leg. She hated herself.

"Come on up here Techno, let's just send a message real quick." I hear schlatt call out.

Techno makes his way up the podium, step by step I hear my heart beat increase, getting faster and louder. He'll stop this, he has to, he's Technoblade, he'd never follow orders. Especially not from Schlatt, the man who stole everything from us. Techno...just wouldn't.

"Now we've got Tubbo in that.." Schlatt laughs slightly, "That...Tub-box"

I hear a few forced laughs from the crowd below, how could they do this? They were his friends. Just stand there and do nothing? If it weren't for Wilbur I'd be down there-... they can't. They're all just following orders...like me.

"He doesn't know Techno is on our side. Techno will exact out revenge." I turn to see Wilbur back by my side, not in the button room? "She broke it. I knew she'd never let me do this." I let out a slight sigh of relief at the thought of not loosing L'manberg today, and for a second I could have sworn I hear Wilbur do the same.

"Tubbo as the enemy of this state. And as uh perpetrator working for these awful, awful people." Schlatt turns to Technoblade, now stood directly in-front of Tubbo.

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