Part 41

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Lunch went fairly better than anyone would've expected. Shinsou and Kaminari had a great time talking. Well, more like Kaminari talking and Shinsou listening. Either way, they both enjoyed their time. Kaminari was also starting to really like Shinsou. Like... REALLY like Shinsou.
    At first, Kaminari had an unhealthy obsession with Midoriya, but that unhealthy obession quickly moved onto Shinsou. He didn't even really do anything. Just listened to Kaminari ramble, but that's all it took to get him hooked.

    Now, lunch was over. Shinsou and Kaminari were walking back to their classes. Unfortunately, they had to split up at some point so that they could get to their designated places. "See you later Shinsou!" Kaminari waved with energy as he saw Shinsou walk away. The purple haired student waved to Kaminari with his back turned and a little turn of the head. Kaminari could feel his heart tightening at the sight.
    He quickly got back to class, just because he didn't want to be late. When Kaminari walked in, he saw that the class was mostly full. He went to his spot and looked around the room. He noticed that Todoroki's spot was empty. He remembered that he had gotten suspended. He then turned his attention to Midoriya, who seemed to also be looking at Todoroki's spot. Except, he looked fairly sad looking at it. Kaminari couldn't help but feel bad. He may not have any romantic interest in Midoriya anymore, but he still liked him.
    Kaminari decided to go over to Midoriya and try and cheer him up the best he could. He got up from his spot and walked over to Midoriya. He took a seat on his empty desk and waved. "What's up Midobro!?" Midoriya visibly sighed and rolled his eyes. He didn't seem to be the biggest fan of Kaminari. This didn't bother the blonde teen though.
   "Why do you look so down?" Midoriya looked up at Kaminari as he thought of a response. His first thought was to be snarky or witty, but he decided he might as well be nice to him. He hadn't done anything and he was just trying to be nice. "I just miss Shoto." Midoriya said it with a type of sincerity in his voice. He genuinely did miss Shoto, even if he had seen him earlier in the day.
    Kaminari kind of expected Midoriya to be mean in some way, but this was way better than that! He smiled and patted Midoriya on the head. "Don't worry! You have me! Plus, you'll see him after school." Midoriya pushed Kaminari's hand off his head. "Whatever." Kaminari decided he better go back to his seat before Midoriya gets into a worse mood.

    At this point, it was the end of the day. Midoriya really wanted to go see Shoto, so he rushed out of the school into the parking lot. He saw Aizawa and ran up to him. "Aizawa! Can you take me to Shoto's house?" Midoriya clasped his hands together and gave the best puppy dog eyes he could muster up. Aizawa sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. Get in the car." Midoriya got in the car and realized that Hitoshi was already in it.
   "What's up Hitoshi?" He just shrugged and continued to text on his phone. He seemed to be having an interesting conversation with someone. Midoriya peeked at his phone and saw the name "pikachu" at the top of the screen. Not that Midoriya knew what that meant, but he was curious as to who it was.
   Aizawa decided to take Midoriya to Shoto's house first. Apparently Hitoshi was going to be hanging out with one of his friends as well. Midoriya couldn't help but find that weird. Hitoshi was the cat lady that never went outside kind of guy. He wondered if this had anything to do with this "Pikachu" person.

    When they got to Shoto's house, Midoriya hopped out with his school bag and waved goodbye to the other two. He didn't even text Shoto and tell him he'd be coming over, but he was sure he wouldn't mind.
   Midoriya didn't dare knock on the door. He knew that at this point it was futile. His father would just tell him to leave. Midoriya texted Shoto and told him he was out front. Soon, he heard stairs and someone opening the door.
    When the door opened, Fuyumi was in the doorway. Midoriya smiled and waved. "Hey! How are you today?" Fuyumi waved and smiled back. "I'm good. Let's get you up to Shoto!" She lead Midoriya up the stairs and to Shoto's room she knocked before slowly opening the door. "Shoto..?" She peeked in and saw he was on the bed reading. She opened the door fully and let Midoriya in. She then left for the two to be alone.
    "Whyd your sister come get me?" Midoriya say down besides Shoto and hugged his side. "I've been banned to my room. Thankfully, I can still have friends over. You're technically a friend so you're allowed over." Shoto played with Midoriya's hair as he snuggled up to him. "Whyd you get banned to your room?" Midoriya looked at Shoto with a bit of worry. "The old man is just mad he's not getting what he wants so he's taking it out on me." Midoriya nodded in understanding. He decided to lay his head on Shoto's lap and look up at him.
    "How was school?" Shoto continued to play with Midoriya's green curls as he asked him how everything was going. "It was fine. I think Hitoshi is seeing someone though. They have them named Pikachu in his phone. Pretty weird if you ask me." Shoto looked forward with a straight face, not looking at Midoriya. It seemed as though he was trying to think of someone that fitted the description of a Pikachu. "What's a pikachu?" Shoto stopped playing with Izuku's curls for a moment as he asked. Izuku seemed astonished that Shoto didn't know who or what Pikachu was. "You don't know what a Pikachu is? Have you never watched or played pokemon ?" Midoriya sat up as he looked at Shoto. "I think I've seen Shigiraki playing a game called Pokémon, but I've never played it myself." Midoriya shook his head. "We've got to play it."

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

~Total words 1062~

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