Part 8

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    In the doorway was standing Shoto Todoroki. At first he looked shocked. As if he was trying to understand what was going on. The first thing he noticed was Midoriya, then he noticed the tears, then he noticed Kirishima, then he noticed how Kirishima was holding Midoriya up against the wall. That was what set alarms off in Todoroki's head. At first he was calm. At first he was trying to figure out ways he could deal with this without seeming like a psychopath in front of Midoriya, but then, Kirishima did something stupid.
   "Are you fucking kidding me? Cant you see we're in the middle of something? Get lost." With that, Kirishima went back to kissing Midoriya. Even though, Todoroki was standing right there. It was enough to make him go absolutely ballistic. 

Violence warning

    "Ah, sorry about that." Todoroki calmly walked up to Kirishima, and grabbed him by the back of the hair. He then threw him as hard as he could away from Midoriya. Right now, Midoriya had no idea what was going on, but it looked as if he was about to be saved a third time. Not that he was complaining.
    "Did you say you were busy? Do you think you can squeeze me into your schedule? Because, I have something really important to talk to you about." Todoroki walked over to Kirishima, who was currently rubbing the back of his head on the floor and glaring up at Todoroki.
    "What the fuck are you talking about? What do you want to talk about?" Kirishima tried to get up but was quickly kicked back down by Todoroki. He then stomped onto Kirishima's chest causing Kirishima to groan in pain.
    "I wanted to talk about how you just touched Izuku, and if you do again, I'll kill you. I'm not joking. The only reason you're not dead right now, is because it would be hard to get your dead body out of the school." Todoroki then stomped on Kirishima's stomach causing him to turn on his side and clench onto it. All Todoroki could do was smile at how amusing it all was.
    "Touch what's mine again, and you'll be dead. It's as simple as that. I won't even care if we're on school grounds or not next time." Todoroki then kicked Kirishima in the face. Unfortunately for Kirishima, he ended up blacking out from the kick.
    In that moment, Izuku didn't know what to think. So much had just happened at once. Not only did Todoroki step up for him, but he called him 'mine'? What exactly does that mean? What does Todoroki mean by that? Was he talking about something else? Did Kirishima do something before this as well to piss Todoroki off?
    Todoroki didn't bother to explain, instead he walked over to Midoriya and started to inspect him for injuries. He wanted to make sure Kirishima had left no wounds on Midoriya, otherwise he might actually have to die once school is out.
    "Are you okay?" In this situation, Midoriya was more than confused. Not only had Todoroki's personality made a complete switch, but now he was checking over Midoriya. He couldn't believe how worried he was for his safety. It was very surprising.
"I-I'm fi-fine." Even though Midoriya was shocked, he still couldn't shake off his intense feelings for Todoroki. Having him this close to him and even touching him, was going to make him explode. Then all of a sudden, Todoroki hugged Midoriya. It caught him so off guard that all he could do was stare over his shoulder as he hugged him.
"I'm so sorry that I let him touch you. I should've been here sooner. I noticed that you were gone for a while, and then he left class as well. When you both didn't come back I got worried and went to see what was going on for myself." Todoroki held onto Midoriya as if he was going to break, but Midoriya stood as still as a statue.
"I-it's n-n-not your fa-fault." Midoriya tried to speak without stuttering but it didn't seem to be working. His words were all getting so jumbled up in his head that he couldn't come up with a complete sentence.
Todoroki let go of Midoriya and patted him on the head. He had the same emotionless expression that he always wore, but there was a bit of worry in his eyes. Midoriya immediately looked down at the ground and started to fidget with his fingers as soon as Todoroki look down at him.
"Tell me if anyone touches you again." Todoroki's voice was hard, but smooth at the same time. Midoriya could tell he meant business when he spoke, but he couldn't really respond very well. So, he just nodded shyly.
"Good. I'll see you tomorrow." Todoroki then left the bathroom. Of course, he was going to watch Midoriya go home though. First, he had to go have a small mental breakdown about Midoriya's first kiss being taken by someone else. Todoroki had said he wasn't going to kill Kirishima, but now he was rethinking it.
Midoriya's first kiss was supposed to be Todoroki's. That wasn't just his idea either, and he wasn't the only one upset by it. Midoriya was also crying in the bathroom because he felt as though he had somehow disappointed Todoroki by having his kiss taken from him. Though, he knew it wasn't his fault. He just felt sad and somewhat disgusted with himself that he couldn't keep his first kiss for Todoroki. Midoriya was hoping he'd get over it soon, but he doubted he would. He wanted all his firsts to be with Todoroki, but now that couldn't happen because of Kirishima. It didn't just sadden and disgust him, it angered him. So much, that he was thinking of actual murder.
Midoriya decided he wasn't about to let this go. During the moment he could think to do anything. He was frozen, and Kirishima took advantage of that, but Midoriya wasn't frozen anymore. He was going to get back at Kirishima. Not only because he had hurt him, but because he had taken away something he was supposed to share with Todoroki.
Though, Todoroki also had the same idea. Except, his idea for killing Kirishima was a bit more violent. While Midoriya was thinking about poisoning Kirishima or sneak up on him then killing him, Todoroki planned on brutally murdering him. He felt as though he had something very precious taken away from him, and he wanted Kirishima to pay for that.

And it would happen tonight.

I know that planning a murder usually takes longer and stuff, but I'm just making it happen that night bc of plot convenience. Also, I know things are going really quickly, but it's only because they're already in love with each other. There's really no need for all of the build up for when they fall in love and blah blah blah. This is mainly just going to be a hell of a lot of murdering and crazy shit happening. Don't worry, I'll always put a warning before something happens though !

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