Part 19

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Uraraka was happy to have finally gotten Midoriya's attention. She smiled and got her phone out to show him the news article. It had details about what had apparently gone down at the scene of the murder and everything.
"Yeah, it was this guy named Overhaul. He was tortured then died from blood loss. They think it was some kind of gang thing considering there were signs of multiple people there." Uraraka handed the phone to Midoriya so he himself could read the article on the whole thing. Midoriya skimmed it real quick before handing it back to her.
    Midoriya didn't know whether he was happy or mad that Overhaul was dead. He would've liked to have personally killed him, but he probably wouldn't have been able to anyways. So, in a way, this was kind of like a blessing in disguise. If Midoriya ever found out who his killer was, he might have to thank them.
    After thinking about it for a couple seconds, Midoriya turned back to Uraraka. He shrugged it off as if it wasn't that big of a deal to him. Of course, this was kind of a disappointment to Uraraka, considering she thought she had finally got his attention over something.
   Uraraka was about to bring something else up, but class had already started. Aizawa was in front of the class getting ready to teach everyone about something they'd forget within the next month or so.

    Once class was over, Midoriya got up quickly to leave the class. He didn't really want to interact with anyone at all and just wanted to get to lunch so he could stare at Todoroki as he daydreamed. Unfortunately, Uraraka stopped him before he could do so. 
   "Wanna sit with me for lunch?" She smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. Midoriya moved so that her shoulder would come falling off and slightly sighed. He didn't really want to sit with her, so obviously he was going to deny.
   "I don-" Before Midoriya could even finish his sentence, Todoroki had come up from behind him and put his hand on Midoriya's shoulder with a very small smile directed towards Uraraka.
   "Midoriya is sitting with me today for lunch. Sorry to disappoint." Todoroki then started to walk away with Midoriya towards the lunch room. Being this close to Todoroki made Midoriya extremely flustered, especially considering what happened earlier. Now, he was just going to be even worse around him.
   "I didn't know we were uh.. sitting with each other for lunch." Midoriya spoke as they started to make their way to the lunchroom. Todoroki left his hand on Midoriya's shoulder seemingly comfortable with it there.
    "I thought it'd be nice." Todoroki shrugged slightly as they walked into the cafeteria. Todoroki was waved over by his usual group of friends, but he ditched them today to sit with Midoriya.
"You sit down, I'll get us some food." Midoriya nodded and sat down at the table. He waited for Todoroki to come back with the food in silence, but that silence would soon be broken. Shinsou soon came up to the table with his tray, but he didn't sit down.
"Hey, how are you doing? I just wanted to check in." Midoriya was a little confused by this. Mostly because Shinsou didn't seem like the type to "check in", but it was a nice thing to do at least. Midoriya shrugged slightly.
"I'm doing fine. What about you?" Shinsou also shrugged. He looked around at the crowded cafeteria as if he was already tired from the not even half over day.
"I'm fine. Let me know if you need anything though." Midoriya nodded and then Shinsou walked away. While Todoroki was in line to get food, he watched this whole interaction. He couldn't help but wonder who this purple haired freak was to Midoriya.
Once he had gotten the food, Todoroki made his way back over to Midoriya and set the trays down. Of course, Todoroki knew Midoriya's favorite food, so he got that for him. Todoroki got himself soba though.
"O-Oh, thank you. I love katsudon." Midoriya smiled slightly at Todoroki before starting to eat his food. Todoroki on the other hand admired Midoriya for a second. He couldn't quite get over his beauty.
"By the way, who's that purple haired guy? I see him around you quite often." Midoriya looked up from his food and wiped his face off with a napkin. Midoriya had remembered what had happened the first time Todoroki asked him about Shinsou. Just the thought of it made him blush.
"Sh-Shinsou? Well it's kind of a hard thing to explain." Midoriya didn't know how to explain that his mother had recently been killed. Along with the fact he's now living with someone else because of all of that. Of course though, Todoroki was just getting more confused. Was Midoriya dating this guy? Is that why it's confusing? Were they that close? Todoroki's head was going in circles.
    "Can you try your best? You can take your time." Todoroki really wanted to know who this mystery guy was. If he was someone Midoriya was seeing, then he'd have to go. Todoroki loved Midoriya too much to see him with someone else.
   "Well.... some things happened recently. It made it so I have to live with some new people. He's just one of the people I live with." It all started coming together for Todoroki. He had completely forgotten that Midoriya would have to go live with someone else now that his mother was dead. He was just bringing more pain for Midoriya by bringing it up. He could see by the way Midoriya visibly got sadder when the topic got brought up, yet he kept pushing. Todoroki felt so stupid right now.
   "Oh, I'm sorry for pushing." Midoriya waved his hands in the air and shook his head quickly. Which caught Todoroki off guard a bit.
   "No, no. It's ok. You didn't push me or anything!"

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter !

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