Part 18

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Just as the two pulled back, they heard the door open to the bathroom. In walked Monoma from class 1-B. The shock on his face was clear. He obviously didn't expect to see Todoroki and Midoriya kissing on the bathroom sink. Especially since Midoriya was considered a social outcast and Todoroki was somewhat popular. It was a little confusing but at the same time, Monoma found it a little amusing.
"Wow! Look what we have here. . . Two of the 1-A scum making out in the bathroom. Who would've thought you two would be together. I didn't know you would stoop that low, Todoroki." Monoma held his hand up to his mouth as he laughed a little. He clearly found the whole situation funny, but the other two didn't. In fact, Todoroki was rather mad. While Midoriya on the other hand, he was feeling a bit insecure now.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Todoroki backed away from Midoriya and started making his way over to Monoma. He didn't have an angry expression, just his normal calm one, but the energy radiating off of him was everything but calm.
"What do you think it means? You're clearly out of that freaks league. Yet you're in here getting all touchy touchy. I'm a little surprised is al-" All of a sudden the bell ring. It must've been Monoma's lucky day, since Todoroki was starting to get really angry. Monoma did a little wave before he exited the bathroom, leaving Todoroki and Midoriya on their own.
Midoriya was currently thinking about his compatibility with Todoroki. Was he not in Todoroki's league? Did he not deserve Todoroki? But. . . He would do anything for Todoroki. Midoriya didn't care what he had to do in order to be fit for him. He just wanted to be with Todoroki.
"Let's get to class." Todoroki walked up to Midoriya and grabbed his hand. Something that obviously made Midoriya blush. He nodded slightly as he forgot everything he was previously thinking of. Todoroki smiled a little as he noticed he helped calm Midoriya down a little. He had noticed he was a little stressed before, so he's happy he was able alleviate it.
They walked out of the bathroom together with their hands linked. Todoroki had to hold back the smile that was trying extremely hard to push itself towards the surface. Midoriya on the other hand, couldn't help the fact that he was blushing and staring directly at the ground to hide that fact. He had never held hands with someone like this before. . . romantically. At least, that's what Midoriya thinks they're doing, but he could be wrong.
They walked through the halls holding hands until they got to class. Todoroki made sure to hold hands with Midoriya even until they were inside the classroom. He wanted a few certain people to see that Midoriya was with him. Well, he was fairly certain that Midoriya was with him. Either way, Midoriya was with him and he would do anything for him. So, it didn't matter if it was official or not.
When the two walked in holding hands, it caught the attention of a few people. Especially, a certain brunette. She looked annoyed at Todoroki, but he didn't pay any attention to her. Though, secretly, he was happy that he had managed to get the message through to her.
"I'll see you after class, at lunch." Todoroki let go of Midoriya's hand and made his way to his seat. They had recently gotten assigned seats. Unfortunately, Todoroki and Midoriya do not sit next to each other, but Uraraka sits right next to Midoriya. Which is very unfortunate for him.
Midoriya nodded with a blush and waved goodbye. He couldn't come up with anything to say since his mind was a bit jumbled at the moment. All he could do at the moment was mindlessly wander over to his seat. He sat down and put his face in his hands as he rethought all of his life choices. Though he was almost immediately interrupted.
"Hey, Midoriya? Are you dating that guy Todoroki?" Uraraka poked at Midoriya's shoulder making him quickly look up. He wasn't really one that liked to get touched, so when he was he easily reacted. Though, the question also caught him off guard. Being asked if he was dating Todoroki was . . . embarrassing? No. . . amazing? Midoriya couldn't think of the word. Heart-clenching.
    The idea of dating Todoroki made his heart clench and his stomach drop all at the same time. It gave him anxiety so he felt his stomach drop at the idea of it, but he was also so in love that it made his heart clench at the idea.
    "N-NO!" Midoriya quickly turned to Uraraka, he held his hands out in front of him with a blush. He didn't mean to yell, but he was just so surprised with the question that he didn't get enough time to properly process it. He just screamed the first thing he thought. Midoriya noticed that people were looking at him and he quickly brought his hands down and hid his face on his desk with his arms.
   While Uraraka didn't seem to mind though. She did seem to mind the somewhat smug look Todoroki was giving her though. It wasn't really a smug look, more like a content one, but something about his face made her mad. Probably because Midoriya happens to like it so much. She didn't really understand why he liked him, but she couldn't understand someone she wasn't.
   "Oh, ok. . . ! Anyways, how've you been? Did you hear about that criminal that was brutally murdered?" Uraraka twirled her pencil in her finger as she spoke. As if she wasn't talking about a brutal murder that had just happened. Midoriya looked up at her to see what she was talking about. He hadn't heard about any brutal murders. Then again, he hadn't really been watching any news or really even been on his phone.
    "No, tell me more."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

~Total words 1013~

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