Part 11

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    Midoriya wasn't too fond of Uraraka, he wasn't really fond of anyone except Todoroki and his mom. He just wasn't really capable of those feelings. The feelings that came with wanting to make friends or making them even. When you make a friend you usually become possessive or loyal to them. If Midoriya were to become friends with anyone, he probably would become neither of those. He's somewhat of a backstabbing bitch in all honesty. Though, it's more of his mental illness than being a bitch.
     Midoriya just can't find any reason as to why he should pledge his loyalty to anyone that he doesn't care about. Which he doubts he'll ever find someone to care about, other than Todoroki of course. Todoroki just happened to show that he deserves his loyalty and that's why Midoriya is so fond of him. He didn't hurt Midoriya like the others did, so Midoriya instantly loved him. It's a bit twisted, but it was just how he worked. Though now, he doesn't grow a bond with anyone else. He doesn't feel the need since he has Todoroki. They will only get in the way in his mind.
Though, Todoroki doesn't know that. Todoroki honestly only knew that Midoriya wasn't too fond of people. He thought that Izuku just might have trust issues and that it took longer for him to get to know people. Not that he entirely had an obsession with Todoroki that went so far he couldn't become friends with other people. Of course, not knowing this caused problems. One of those problems happened to be jealousy.
   Seeing Uraraka and Midoriya walk to class together wasn't exactly nice for Todoroki. But, he couldn't wasn't about to step in and stop them. It would only end up making Midoriya resent him for stopping him from making friends. At least, that's what he thought. He could only assume that Midoriya wanted to make friends but had trouble with it. That maybe he wanted high school to be different from middle, but who knows. Obviously not Todoroki.
    When Todoroki walked into the classroom, it looked as if Uraraka had decided to take a seat beside Midoriya. It was a bit annoying, but Todoroki decided not to pay too much attention to it. Unfortunately, Todoroki was too busy looking at Midoriya so all the seats were taken. The only few seats left were the ones in the front. Though of course, Midoriya didn't mind that at all. It just gave him many more opportunities to watch Todoroki during class.
    Though, Todoroki wasn't able to focus at all during the class. He could hear Uraraka's giggles echoing throughout the whole classroom. Of course, he could also hear Midoriya's beautiful melodic voice every once in a while. Most of it was him telling her to be quieter though. It didn't seem as though Midoriya was very involved with the conversation.
    Actually, he was mostly just ignoring what she was saying. She was just blabbering on and on while Midoriya was trying to pay attention to the lesson. Of course, Izuku was also sneaking a couple peaks at Todoroki, but he couldn't even focus on him. Uraraka just wouldn't stop talking. She wasn't even trying to be quiet about it. Izuku was positive that Mr. Aizawa could hear her. Izuku was actually a little surprised he hadn't told her to shut the fuck up yet. Then again, maybe he just didn't care enough to stop her.
   "Uraraka, if I hear you talk about your favorite mochi one more time I'm literally going to kill myself." Midoriya said as he turned to Uraraka. His face was bland as he spoke and his eyes drooped. Almost as if he had been fighting the urge to fall asleep throughout her entire time of talking. Uraraka of course, almost immediately stopped talking. She felt a bit embarrassed since the whole class had been listening in and even some of them were laughing.
"Y-yeah, I'm sorry." She dropped her face that was red from embarrassment and nodded. It was clear that Midoriya didn't care at all that he had just embarrassed Uraraka, but that's just the way he was. If it was Todoroki that he had embarrassed it would've been something completely different. There is no doubt that Midoriya would've been apologizing profusely on his knees. Though, he wouldn't do that for some girl he met like a day or two ago.
     Unfortunately, it seemed as though karma was coming back to get Midoriya. For what? Well, surely it could be multiple things at the moment. Probably for killing a kid last night though. Since in the next few moments Midoriya would be called down to the office. He rolled his eyes slightly as he got up to start his walk down there. Thankfully, on his walk down he didn't see too many students or teachers. At least, nobody stopped him.
    When Midoriya finally got to the door of the principals office, he stopped for a moment. He started to think about what he would say depending on what situation it could possibly be. There was always the possibility they had found out he killed Kirishima, but that was a low percentage. So, Midoriya just had to stay cool and think about the other possibilities. There was always the possibility he was in some kind of trouble. Though, he couldn't remember he did anything that would leave him in trouble. Again, that's not counting killing Kirishima. There really was no reason as to why Midoriya would be called down to the office. He could only think that maybe they wanted to talk about his studies. Which he was doing perfectly fine in as far as he knew.
    Midoriya decided to stop stalling and knocked on the door. From the other side he could hear a "come in". So, he opened the door and walked in. When he first opened it he saw two police officers, which made him pause slightly. But, he quickly calmed down and started to make the rest of his way in and shut the door. He knew he had taken care of everything-That's when Midoriya remembered the conversation he had with Todoroki earlier. He refused to believe that Todoroki actually knew, and even if he did, he wouldn't turn him into the cops. Midoriya refused to think of that as a possibility.
    "Is there something I can help you with..?"
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter ! I'm sorry it took so long to update @_@

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