Part 26

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   Midoriya didn't even bother asking Aizawa or Yamada. He didn't really care what they would say about having someone over. After all, this is Todoroki we're talking about. If they were to say no he might go into a full mental breakdown. Nobody wants that. So, he just decided to take things into his own hands. If they were to have any problems with it later on, he would just deal with the consequences later.
    While Midoriya waited for classes to end at the school, he happily cleaned the house up as much as he could. Obviously, this was a huge switch from his previously unmotivated and depressed mood before. Shinsou noticed how he was joyful and cleaning up as much as he could. The house wasn't that bad before, so Shinsou didn't think it needed to be cleaned all that much.
    "What are you doing all that for?" Shinsou leaned on the back of the couch as he stared at Midoriya deeply cleaning the counter with a sponge. There was one spot on the counter he couldn't get out and he was starting to get frustrated. There were tears that were starting to form in his eyes. All he could think about was how Todoroki would see it and think he lived in a messy house.
    After noticing the clear distress going through Midoriya, he walked over to him and chipped the spot off with his nail. He then looked up at Midoriya with a slight smirk and shrugged. Almost saying "not that hard." Midoriya smiled a little and thanked Shinsou.

    Midoriya spent the rest of his time cleaning the house the best he could. He left Yamada's and Aizawa's room alone. Along with Shinsou's and Eri's. He didn't want to touch any of their stuff. It would be a huge invasion of privacy. Even in his cleaning frenzy he knew that.
    Soon enough, it was around the time that Todoroki would be showing up. There was just one last thing that Midoriya had to do, and that was to get dressed. He currently looked like a mess. With all the cleaning, he himself got a bit messy. After realizing that, he quickly ran into his room and got changed. It wasn't anything special, even if it was Todoroki, he didn't have any really nice clothes. He wore some of his usual things. All he wore was a dark green sweatshirt with some black ripped jeans and some boots.
   While he was putting his boots on, he heard the doorbell ring. He jumped up and quickly slipped the rest of his boot on. He ran over to the door and quickly opened it up.
     Holding back a smile, he saw that right in front of him was Todoroki. He still had his book bag slung around his right shoulder since he just got out of school. There was also a bit of sweat on his forehead as if he had just ran the whole way here from school. Which wouldn't be a surprise, considering he got there fairly quick.
    "H-hey Todoroki!" Midoriya got out of the doorway and let Todoroki in. Walking in, Todoroki looked around to make sure the place was nice enough for Midoriya to live. He would be disappointed, angry even, if he lived in some dump that they had dumped him in. Though, the place looked nice and clean. So, Todoroki was happy. There wasn't much he was going to be able to do if it wasn't though. Although, he did have connections through his father, but he didn't want to ask his father for anything.
    "I like your place. It's nice." Todoroki stood in the middle of the living room and stared at Midoriya. He was admiring everything about him. He looked as though he was doing better than before. Earlier at school, he looked pretty angry. Todoroki was pretty sure it was because of the video. He didn't even think to blur out his name. He was too stuck on getting Uraraka expelled.
    "Thanks... I-it's not mine! It's actually..uh.. Aizawa and Yamada's. B-but I just live here. It's really n-nice though! Wanna go to my room?" Midoriya was starting to not feel quite as anxious around Todoroki. Ever since they started eating lunches together, that is. Getting used to him wasn't that hard.
    "Sure." Todoroki tried to hide his excitement. He had never actually gotten the chance to go in Midoriya's room. Now, he would be able to see everything up close and personal. To make things even better, Midoriya would be in the room with him. Then again, that might not be as great as he thought. He couldn't snoop as much as he wanted. Either way, Todoroki was excited to go and see where Midoriya spends most of his time.

I know this chapter is short, and I'm sorry for that!! But, I really wanted to get something out for you guys as soon as I could!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!

~Total words 841~

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