Chapter 18

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They were walking around the Quidditch Pitch, calming Stella down. Harry felt awkward. Jane wanted to spend time with him, but couldn't. Stella just could not handle her stress and depression.

-He will not die-Harry said.

-That potion which you told me about, is not too horrible. It makes the person feel weak, their stomach and head hurt, and they have the temperature-Jane explained.

-But still...

-Ask professor Trelawney if you want-Harry told her.

-She is crazy-Stella muttered.

-Not that crazy-Jane looked at the pitch deeply-Once she told me that I would win the match against the black-haired girl. And that day I won the match against Cho Chang.

After the ten minutes of walking, Stella felt better and more positive. Jane calmed her down very well. She told her about some other cool things, like some new shops and trends, because that was Stella's biggest interest. She made her feel good, by telling her this potion's possibilities. That is only caused the headache and stomachaches, sometimes temperature. So Stella decided to go with a new positive spirit back to her work. She said goodbye and thanked them. Then Stella slowly walked inside. On her way, she saw Mattheo, who was sitting down on the couch.

-Hello hello-he greeted Stella-Don't be sad for Charles he will get better these days. 

-I hope so.

-Once I had a very high temperature. I had strange visions, and my body hurt, but my mom was there for me as Tom and dad. They were always with me. When I was awake, when I was asleep, they didn't leave my side. We feel love even when we are sleeping. This feeling never lets us. I felt terrible. Literally horrible. I slept most of the time, but they were always with me. 

He started to talk about his childhood stories, which made Stella interested and happy somehow. 

15 minutes later Edward came to them and told them that from the Wizarding Hospital, Healers brought Charles back in the Hospital Wing.

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