"Don't worry. I'm not like her. I like you. I think you're a badass. I don't know how she got it in her head that you could be from Sidus-"

"She said that?" My heart starts to beat faster and my hands clench into a fist.

"She's crazy. Don't mind her. It's the stress of the Runes and Rahl's. The Runes have been attacking civilians in many districts. The Rahl's have been coordinating attacks. We're pretty much cornered right now."

"Who wants a drink?" Felix walks in with a tray of glasses.

"And what did you concoct today?" Sloane asks him as he plants a kiss on her forehead.

"No worries, no alcohol for you, m'lady." He hands her the glass with just juice.

"Where's Dev?" Sloane gets up to go find her, leaving me and Felix sitting on the couches.

"So are you and Dev dating?"

"Um... I don't know."

"Looks like you are."

"I guess. Could you tell me where the bathroom is?"

"Oh yeah, just walk out and it should be two doors to the left."

"Thank you." I put the glass down and walk out. The water looks beautiful. I walk across the to the doors and as I pass by the first one I hear Devyn's voice.

"I'm happy for you." Sloane says.

"I am happy when I'm with her. I kind of miss my friends though. I only talk to Sierra now."

"It's okay, they'll come around. There's always sacrifice with love right?"

"Love? Haha."

"Shut up. It's clearly written on your forehead, "I will die for-"

"No one dies for anyone these days."

"Would you die for her?"

I can't help but eavesdrop. I peek through the door to see Devyn smile. She doesn't answer the question, because she doesn't need to. Sloane pinches Devyn's cheek and starts to walk towards the door. I speed walk over to the bathroom and close the door behind me.

Someone knocks on the door.

"Hello, miss." Devyn stands in the doorway as I open it.

"Hello, you."

She holds up a pack of beer.

"Got us something."


"Come." She grabs my hand with her free hand and leads me out. We climb up the ladder to the top of the yacht. Everything seemed visible from up here.

"This is the best part of this boat. I love being up here." She sits on the ledge and I join her.

"I love being up here with you." And I mean it. She smiles and takes a swig of her beer and I do the same.

"The other day you asked about me, and my family. I was just wondering about yours."

"What about it?"

"You remember you told me once about your father..-"

"I do." Her face turns empty.

"I want to know you too." I say as I let my fingers slip into hers.

"Well, there's not much to it. As you already know, Elijah is not my father but is the father of my sisters. They got married and had Sage and Sloane. Then, it gets blurry because my mother had me, with another man. I never met him, my actual father."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I don't really let it get to me. Well, after that, I was brought in to live with them and then my mother and Elijah had Riley. Because of my mom's mistake he always had a grudge against me. But it wasn't my fault, you know?"

"Of course it wasn't."

"Well, he's always left me out of things. One day he'll wake up and hate me and the next he'll declare his love for me. And I don't know which side of him is the true one. Maybe I'll never know.I don't even know why he bothered to keep me around after my mother died. He could have just abandoned me, but he didn't. And for that I'm grateful."

"And you think that was out of love?" My question comes out in an accusing manner and I instantly regret it.

"What are you trying to suggest? That he does it for some other reason?"

"I just- you literally told me that he tried to drown you. What am I supposed to think?"

"You're not supposed to think anything. Why do you even care so much? What he did was just to make me stronger and face my fears. That's why he did that." She gets up out of anger.

"Look, that's not what I meant. I just don't think he appreciates you as much as you appreciate him."

"How long have you known me? How could you even say something like that?"

"You just can't hear it out loud, but I know deep down you know."

"Andrea, stop. First Sage, and now my Father? Really?" She starts to walk away.

"He didn't want you to win."

"What?" She spins around.

"Arden. First place. He didn't want you at the top. I overheard him talking to the headmistress. And you asked me why I missed that shot right? It was because of him. I couldn't let him win against you."

"Andrea, what the fuck?"

"I'm serious."

"Are you okay?Did you hit your head? Because you're not making any fucking sense!" She starts to climb back down.

"Dev, listen. Stop, don't leave. Please." She looks up at me.

"I just need to be alone."

I know I fucked up once again. I watch as she takes the jet ski and rides back to shore.

"What got into her?" Sloane asks as she comes out to see what the commotion was all about.

"We had... and argument."

"About... your father."

"So she told you that Elijah-"


"She must really trust you."

"I fucked it up, though."


I climb down and tell her everything. I tell her about what I heard Mr.Ackerman say to the headmistress. I tell her about the incident Dev told me about. She sits in her chair, listening attentively.

"Look, Devyn has been through some shit. She's traumatized but doesn't admit it. Her relationship with Father is complicated. It's hard to explain to someone that's not part of this family. I've grown up with her, and I've seen how he treats her, so I can believe what you're saying. But for her, she still believes that he loves her maybe just a little. You know, when I was little my mom told me to protect Devyn with my life, because we depended on her life. She said that Devyn was always destined for greatness, and I think that too. Mother was certain that Devyn would be the next Ackerman ring bearer. But the ring hasn't chosen anyone for ages. But I still protect her no matter what. So don't worry, my father can't do anything to her anymore."

"Do you think he keeps her around because she could be the bearer?

"What do you mean?" Sloane's ears perked up.

"It seems like Mr.Ackerman could have gotten rid of her, but didn't. And he's not the sentimental type. So what if he needs her? What if he knows that the ring will choose her?"

Sloane looks like a lightbulb just went off in her head.

"Andrea, it's time to go home." That's all she says as she gets up to find Felix.

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