A Sickly Newborn & Teen Parents (June 2011)

Start from the beginning

Harry listens to Camryn wince as Darcy turns her head away from Camryn's nipple, screaming out even louder, her wrinkly little palms squeezed into fists.

"I-I give up,"Camryn cries, tears rolling down her cheeks as her shoulders begin to tremble, looking over at Harry who immediately coos and pulls Camryn in for a tight hug, Darcy in between their bodies. "I can't do it anymore. I can't, Harry."

"Okay, we're okay, take a deep breath,"Harry comforts, rubbing his hand up and down Camryn's trembling back as her cries mix in with Darcy's. "It's okay, buggy. We're okay. C'mon, I don't want both of my girls crying."

"I need her to eat,"Camryn sobs, her full boobs knocking against Harry's chest as she hisses in pain.

"Do you want me to get your pump,"Harry offers, pressing a kiss down to the top of Camryn's head.

They've taken turns in the past three days of falling apart and right now, it's Camryn's turn to fall apart. Just an hour ago, it was Harry's turn. There's lots of sad and stressed and confused teenage hormones in this household to say the least.

"No, I want her to eat,"Camryn sobs, shaking her head miserably and looking up at Harry with snot dripping down her face mixed with tears. "I want to feed my baby!"

"I know, I know you do,"Harry whispers, nodding his head and cupping Camryn's damp chin in his hand that's not holding Darcy. "Take a deep breath, you're making yourself panic now, bug. Can you take a deep breath with me?"

Harry breathes in deeply as he watches Camryn follow his lead and shakily inhale, blowing out a deep exhale through her pursed lips when Harry does so, his body bouncing up and down as he simultaneously tries to soothe a cradled Darcy in his arms.

"Good job, bug,"Harry whispers, nodding his head as he lets go of her chin, scrunching his sweatshirt down to make sweater paws before bringing his hand up to wipe the snot off of her top lip and chin. True love, some may say. "We're okay, okay?"

"Okay,"Camryn breathes, closing her eyes and exhaling deeply as she brings one of her hands up to massage her sore and full boob gently. "I might need to go pump if she doesn't eat soon, they hurt so bad."

"I'm really sorry, buggy,"Harry whispers, pressing a kiss to Camryn's damp cheek.

"Don't worry about me, just worry about her,"Camryn whispers, motioning towards Darcy who's still screaming as Harry continues to cradle her in his arms, bouncing her up and down gently as her tiny palms reach up towards him, her skinny fingers spread out as she screams up at her dad.

"Squishy, shh shh,"Harry whispers, standing up and beginning to pace around the room again with Darcy pressed against his chest. "It's okay, darling. It is. I know you feel yucky, daddy knows. I do. I wish I could take this from you."

"I gotta pump,"Camryn whimpers, cupping both of her boobs delicately in her hand because letting them hang naturally hurts too badly.

"Yeah, go pump, bug,"Harry nods, looking over his shoulder as Camryn painfully walks over to her nightstand where her pumping gear is. "I've got D, you just focus on yourself, okay?"

Camryn painfully nods, her face scrunched up as she grabs her gear and begins to attach it to herself, sitting back against the backboard of the bed.

"What do you need, sweet girl?"Harry asks, his hands placed against the back of her head and her back that's absolutely burning up. "Do you want daddy to talk to you? You always like when I talk to you."

"Let's see, where do I start?"Harry hums, bouncing and swaying as he walks around the entire room. "Mummy's pumping right now because you won't eat. And she hates pumping, so you should probably decide to eat soon, huh? It's been a rough few days, huh? Mummy and daddy have been kinda a rough time the past few days. We're trying our best but we don't really know what to do."

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