A Sickly Newborn & Teen Parents (June 2011)

Start from the beginning

"They are the cutest little legs I've ever seen,"Harry chuckles, pressing a kiss to Darcy's warm forehead as he watches Camryn guide Darcy's short, stubby, and skinny legs walk in the air. "And those toes, those are my favorite. They're very nice to munch on."

"Oh yes,"Camryn agrees with a giggle, putting Darcy's little toes in her mouth and pretending to munch on them because she knows that is always something that makes Darcy squeak and stop crying. "They're very tasty."

Before either of them can react fast enough, Darcy starts to spit up, choking a bit since she's on her back, coughing to try and get it up, but she can't.

"Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t,"Harry mutters, quickly sitting up from laying down and reaching for Darcy, quickly sitting her upright in his hands, leaning her over one of his palms and slapping her back gently to get her to spill the spit up as it drips down his hand.

"You're okay, get it all up, babe,"Harry whispers, his curls falling in his eyes as he continues to tap on Darcy's back, feeling the warm liquid drip down his hand but he couldn't care less as long as it's on his hand and not in her mouth.

"Good job, Darcy,"Harry whispers in relief, his shoulders slumping a bit as Darcy begins to cry again. He never thought he'd be so happy to hear her cry, but at least it means she's not choking anymore. He immediately brings her towards his chest, hugging her tightly as his palm pats her diapered bum, tucking his lips down to the top of her head to shush her.

"Gosh you're just scaring mummy and daddy left and right today, huh?"Camryn sighs, removing the hand that was over her heart as she scoots over on the bed to be next to Harry and Darcy, leaning her cheek against Harry's shoulder and peering down at her sickly little girl.

"Do you think she's hungry?"Harry asks, turning his head to place a kiss on top of Camryn's head that hasn't been washed in three days because of Darcy being ill. In fact, none of them have been washed in 3 days, so they're all looking fairly worn and weathered.

"I hope so,"Camryn murmurs, lifting her cheek up from Harry's shoulder and looking down at her tank top that is completely soaked through at the chest in response to Darcy's cries. "I think my boobs want her to eat."

"Looks like it,"Harry snorts, yawning widely as he watches Camryn pull the tank top down to reveal both of her breasts before she reaches towards Darcy.

"Oh hello my darlin',"Camryn coos, making cooing noises as Darcy continues to scream up at her in distressed with a crumpled up face. "I know you're so sad, that's making mummy and daddy so sad."

She brings Darcy to her chest, cradling her with her right arm as she reaches across her body with her left arm, taking her breast in her hand to try and help Darcy latch. "Sweetheart, it's right here,"Camryn whispers, guiding her nipple towards Darcy's mouth that's wide open in a cry. "C'mon, lovey. I know you're so sad, I'm sorry."

"Darcy babe,"Camryn murmurs, a frown forming on her lips as she reaches her finger for the tip of her nipple, swiping it across the surface to collect a little white milk droplet and brush it across Darcy's lips so that she knows it's there for her. "See? Its milk, c'mon babe. You and I both need you to eat."

Harry looks up at the clock and sighs, dropping his forehead tiredly to Camryn's shoulder, "she hasn't ate in four hours."

"Trust me, my boobs know,"Camryn chuckles because if she doesn't laugh she knows she'll cry and her and Harry already had enough mental breakdowns last night with a screaming and sickly baby.

"C'mon Darce,"Camryn murmurs, her throat aching with tears as she continues to drag her nipple against Darcy's wide open and wobbly lips. "Sweetheart, please, it will make both you and mummy feel so much better if you eat."

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