Author's Introduction

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Alright, listen to me before you go off about how there's yet another TBATE FanFic about what would happen if Arthur had a brother, yada, yada, yada.

First off, let me introduce myself. my name is Anon_48, short for Anonymous_48, I mainly read TBATE, Korean manhwa and Chinese manhua in my free time, but will occasionally have one of these kinds of revelations where I suddenly have the genius idea of making a story(both original and fanfiction). Pleased to meet all who are reading.

I chose to make this particular version of TBATE because I wanted to know the extent of my writing skills and although writing isn't exactly my strong suit, I wanted to put myself to the test and see how well I could add some extra character's(and Original Character's at that) to the story and STILL make it a good read.

While the story in general attacks the heart plenty of times, both hard and soft, I however, am VERY big on the whole emotional death/meeting thing, so be prepared for those future chapters to come.

As such, I will have a small(or large, depending on how I think I do and how you guys think I did) number of other OC's, all created by yours truly.

Some OC's will include:
- My Art twin Jayden Leywin(thinking of making him a conjurer, but I might make him an augmenter)
- My Lucas Number Two(since Arthur's already got Lucas), Vilo(Vee-Low) Blackwing
- The bond I have planned to become Jay's, Shiro
-Many more.


Of course, I have much more planned for the future but because I'm a high school student, I won't be able to get super far, which means as of right now, I'll probably only be able to get as far as the Dire Tombs, maybe school arc if I'm lucky, assuming I don't have any tests to study for.

Although I plan to speed up the pacing a bit, I'll make sure I can at least make you all suffer a bit by leaving cliffhangers.

Anyways, that's my Author's Introduction. Sorry(not sorry) to anyone who was expecting a legit first chapter.

Until next time.

Anon, over and out.

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