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9 years ago

"Oh you know

How we have always been

Every day, every night

I'll be here, darling

You might move on

Grow up, go on

But don't forget, oh dear

Every day, every night

Oh darling

I'll be here,

Holding your sweet hands."

Mother's voice was honestly the most beautiful voice I had heard in my entire life. When she finishes the song, she kisses my forehead and gets up to go.


"Yes, sweetheart?"

"Are we going to be alright?"

She sits next to me. "Why do you ask that?", her voice as sweet as honey.

"I am scared. You said that the humans might kill us."

"Oh how many times have I told you not to overhear my conversation with the ministers? Alright then. Let me tell you the truth."

She turns on the lamp on the side table and I scoot over to make space for her as she sits down on the bed beside me.

"The humans and the witches are at war with each other. The firmas belong to us. We recently discovered that the land is perfect to grow amber. It is a wonderful opportunity. We will be able to make tons of broomsticks, and this will help the poor witches to afford a means of transport. However, the firmas can also grow some unique grain. And so, the humans want to steal it from us."

"There is a war between the witches and humans just for a piece of land?"

"You know how the activists are. They will make of mountain out of a molehill."

I frown at her. "What can I do?"

"You will do nothing. I cannot afford you to get hurt."

"But mother! I am going to be queen one day. I should know how to protect our kind."

She smiles, and I feel that it was the first time I saw her fully smile in years.

She ruffles my hair as she says, "I cannot argue with that fact. We will start your training, right from tomorrow."

That night I sleep with a determined heart, ready to take on the challenges lying in the future.

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