She stands off and raises her brow at me. "Suh a wha make you peppery suh tonight?"

I sigh and sit down on the stool around the counter. "Mi head a tear off, and unuh just nah go easy."

"Headache? A weh that deh headache deh come from pon you now?" she asks me, resting the back of her hand on my forehead to feel for a fever, I'm guessing. "Yuh want likkle ginger tea?"

Nodding, I take another sip of the water in my hand.

My phone pings and I take it up and open the text from Deidre.

*Damien has invited us to his friend's pool thing Saturday. And we're going.*


Which friend?


*Which friend that?* I type out my thought.

Somehow my heart skips a beat at the thought of being somewhere with Lucas again.

Within seconds my phone pings again with her reply, *I don't really know eno. He just said he and Dwayne will be there. A wah?*

And if he and Dwayne will be there, chances are Lucas will be there too.

I don't know.

I don't know how I feel about that.

Considering how we left things the last time.

*Nothing. Just checking.*

If a certain someone will be in attendance.

*Yea. It'll be fun. 😜🤸We haven't been out in forever.*

*We went clubbing the other day tho. 🙄*

*You know what I mean, bish. 😒🙄*

I still don't know.

Should I go?

*Nah. Not feeling it.* I tell Deidre. I know she wants me to go, but I just don't know.

I don't trust seeing him again.

Not when I'm trying to get him out of my head.

Is that what you're doing with D'Aante?

D'vante! And no, this has nothing to do with him.

I literally just met the guy. Gosh!

*Wha u mean!!!??* she sends to me, but before I can answer her text, my phone starts ringing.

Rolling my eyes, I sigh and pick it up.

"Wah yuh mean you're not feeling it?" Deidre practically shouts, almost bursting my damn eardrum, before I can even acknowledge her.

"Hello to you too, miss ma'am!" I say, not even trying to mask the sarcasm in my tone.

My head is hurting too much for all of this damn excitement.

"To the point!" she says in an even dryer tone.

Not wanting mummy and daddy to hear our conversation, I get up and make my way up the stairs. "It's just a party. What's the big deal?"

"So, why don't you want to come? You said it yourself, it's just a party."

I know she'd push it to the extreme.

She wouldn't understand.

MAYBE she would if you'd told her about you and Lucas...but no.

It's my business to tell isn't it? Plus, it's not that deep.

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