"And it's going to be an adventure alright." Rya leant back beside me. "College. Urgh, it seems so close but is still too far." She reached her arm out dramatically like those dying movie characters that reach for the light.

A high-pitched laugh escaped my throat before I turned to look at her. "You're going to thrive, you know. All that knowledge meeting your insane, little brain." I tapped her on the head.

"I know, I honestly can't wait." She grinned.

A thought came to my mind, "You're not scared?"

She looked back at me with a million-dollar smile, "Bitch, please, I'm Rya McCoy. I am the literal definition of perfection." she flicked her ponytail eccentrically. "And being scared is so gross."

I shoved her shoulder and watched her laugh, "And stop talking about me, what about you? Look at you, Sienna. You're going to be amazing."

"Obviously." I fluttered my eyelashes and she snorted.

"I'm going to miss you." I finally admitted. Rya was my best friend, I don't really know a day without her and now suddenly we were going to colleges miles apart.

"We'll be a long way from each other." She whispered as I rested my head on her shoulder.

"That's if I get into Chapel Hill–"

"Shut up, you will." She instantly cut me off.

We waited in a minute's silence before I spoke, "We're acting like we're not going to send each other voice-notes full of rants when the slightest inconvenience happens in our day."

We both chuckled. "True." She rested her head on top of mine. "I love you, Sienna."

"I love you too, Rya." I smiled as we both stared out onto the car park.

It was stupid because this wasn't yet the end. We still had Graduation. Despite that, I realised how you took each day of normality for granted and until you got to the last of it and suddenly a new normality came to take its place. This normality would be in the past and in a few years' time we'll look back at it and ask, 'how did we live everyday like that?'. And we will do the same in years and years to come each time it changes.

We got up from the steps and spot Leah, Adam and Taylor walk out of the main double doors. Prom was ending and many people were saying their final goodbyes to high school before a night of even bigger adventures.

Taylor came up to Rya and whispered something in her ear before she nodded, and he walked away. When she made her way back over to me, she said "Taylor and I are going to get going. He promised me Taco Bell and I promised him a marathon of the Star Wars franchise."

I laughed. It was a cute idea and definitely got rid of the pressure on what was supposed to happen with dates on Prom night.

"That's okay." I gave her a hug just as Leah walked over.

"I just wanted to thank you guys." She smiled kindly.

"For what?" Rya asked.

Leah shrugged, "I... I've never really had friends before and – even though you guys may not want to be – tonight, you were really good friends."

Before I knew it, I pulled Leah into a hug. "It's okay." I whispered with a smile, "And, what d'you say, Rya? Friends?"

Rya jokingly gave Leah an intimidating look up and down, "I think she fits in with us quite nicely. So... totally friends."

Leah giggled happily and went to hug Rya. It was the truth, she fit in really well with Rya and I so I'd have no problem in classing Leah as a friend. We had more in common than what I originally thought.

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