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13th September 2021, 

My life was unsuccessfully oscillating among my duties that I needed a break from. Easier they seemed, harder they were. Life of a teenager was difficult too. All we needed was some abetment that evoked us to aspire for our ambition. 

I let out a heavy sigh, thinking about how my grandpa was pestering me. He always thought me as an extemporaneous kid who knew nothing, the reality was to the contrary. To abide by all the laws he had inflicted, was not my cup of tea. I picked up Stephen's bike's key and strode out of the house, taking heavy steps. 

I started my bike and I drove along the narrow roads that were rarely visited by crowd. My friends and I were sojourners at the place.  I dialed his number,

"Stephen...I'm taking your bike to our regular spot..." I talked while driving. 

"There's a storm Surya...Do not go there..." 

Our regular meeting spot was on a hill, faraway from home. I shuddered at a thought that whizzed in my mind. As I climbed up the slope, I could feel the wheels shaking. My hands trembled and my confidence in driving bike was reduced to ashes. 

"No...no...no..." I shrieked as I felt my abdomen jittering. My heart jumped out of its place as I lost hold of the bike. A few moments later, all I could see was my bike slipping down. I could feel the cold wind tearing my skin and the branches of trees trying to hit me at every moment I descended down.

That was all I could remember.


I held my head when I woke up. For an instant, I had panicked that I was dead. The atmosphere around me was very pleasant. 

"Impressive...you still have the drive to learn archery..." an elderly person said from behind. Surprisingly, I was able to understand his language and communicate in the same, which was different from what we usually used.

"Are you from a Brahmin family?" he asked and I turned around to see a man holding a large axe in his hand. His dress was completely different from what we usually wore.

"Of course I am!" I said observing him. His old fashioned clothes and language clearly indicated that he was trying to prank me. He was clearly trying to imitate Lord Parashuram of Treta Yug

"Vasusen!...Aim that mango..." he ordered, making me quite irritated. Why was he involving me in his drama? Was he trying to put me down? 

I aimed at the mango and hit it at the right place. I tried brushing my hair in pride, only to notice that they were unusually long. 

'For how many days was I in the hospital such that my hair grew long?' I wondered. ' Where was I? ' I saw around me. The trees, the river, the animals, all seemed different. I was sure I was not in my place. I had been carried into the middle of a forest. Did cannibals take me here? I flinched at the thought. 

"Are you going to stand there for long?" the elderly man asked. Hinting me to join him.  

I was broken from my trance as I heard the stream of water next to me. I had to somehow get over the man who was not letting me alone. I knelt down and cupped my hands to quench my thirst. The water cooled down my burning intestine and throat. The atmosphere was unbelievingly clear, population free and pollution less. Was I in India?

The old man seemed stricter than my Hitler grandfather. I washed my face and looked at my reflection in the water. 

"What!!" I shrieked, angering the elderly person next to me.

"Why are you shouting?" he asked 

"Am I what I am?...No way...Am I dead..." I mumbled, which went unheard by him.

"What are you mumbling?..." The man seemed to lose his patience

"Me...I am...?...." I immediately knelt down and began drinking the water as fast as I could.

"Are you going to gulp the whole of the Ganga River all by yourself?" he asked knocking my head.

Ganga river?  I pinched and slapped myself much to the elderly person's surprise. The river was crystal clear, unlike the one in my state.

"You're the first disciple of me who punishes himself...impressive..." he chuckled.

"Bhagwan Parashuram!..." I said stuttering. My lips trembled. I wished to go home. I missed my mother. I missed my Hitler grandfather.

"Hmm..." he said...

"Are you really?...Bhagwan..." I gulped hard, making him laugh. 

"That's what some people say..." he said and walked towards his beautiful horse, stroking his mane. 

I froze in terror, touching my undetachable earrings and the hard covering of my chest. 

"Vasusen!" he shouted at me.

I pinched myself once again only to feel the pain in my hands. Things around me were not a joke. I was sure I had left my original place.

"Maa!" I bitterly cried, wiping my tears. How did I turn into Karn of Mahabharat? I was from Kalyug. How did I end up in Dwapar yug? 

I felt an arrow piercing my right arm.

"Ouch!" I winced in pain. 

"Your reflexes are slow...!" The Lord complained.

"I'm sorry..." I said biting my lips and followed him. 


I walked for long hours, whereas the Lord was riding his horse. 

"Walk faster!" he said 

"I'm tired!..." I held my hips

"How could you say that, Vasusen?..." the Lord knocked my head once again.

I, having become Karn of Mahabharat, had to keep up his name of being persistent and focused. If I failed, I would tarnish his name. I had to die to go back home, I guessed. 

Did that mean I had to die in the hands of Arjun? Was I going to be killed by Anjalika Astra? Was I supposed to stand by Duryodhan? Was I going to take the path of Adharm just to get killed so that I could get back home in Kalyug? Was Lord Parashuram going to curse me ? But I did not lie to him. I did hail from a Brahmin family. 

I was scared of the future. Because being Karn, was not an easy task.

Praying all the Lords above and the Lord in front of me, I began my training session with Lord Parashuram. 


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