36. Domino Effect (End)

Start from the beginning

Out of frustration Germany shut the TV off with the remote and threw it to on the coffee table. It's been a week since they got rescued. They all immediately got greeted by the police and sended to the hospital for a check up.

When they checked on Germany's ankle the doctors were shocked that she was still able to move it. They diagnosed achilles tendon rapture and it was serious enough that she had to go under surgery. The doctor kept saying that it's a miracle that she was still able to walk on it after it swelled.

But even with the good news that she won't get any life long damage she still sat frustrated on Austria's couch. For the next couple of days she stayed over at his place so he could make sure that Germany will take a rest while her ankle was healing.

Austria noticed the sudden silence after the TV stopped playing. From the kitchen he entered the living room and asked, "Was it again about the two?"

Germany puffed angry, crossing her arms and complained, "Yes. I can't believe that they got away so easily! The worst part of it is USA knew that he get away with it. Even with the evidence it wasn't enough!"

The man picked up the remote and turned the box on. While switching over the channels he spoke, "I guess if you have the right connections then you can do anything you like."

He stopped at some senseless sitcom show that implanted fake laughing sounds at every joke that wasn't even remotely funny. "Finally a channel showing something different." With that comment he placed the remote back to its spot.

At this moment Germany didn't know what's better. Getting brain damage by watching a low budget overstretched sitcom show, or actually trying to suffocate herself with the couch pillow.

Thankfully both options never happened as the door bell interrupted her thoughts. Germany wanted to use this opportunity to get out from the couch, but her uncle stopped her and walked to the door instead.

He opened the door and get greeted by Hungary carrying many suitcases at once. With the many bags and violin case under his arms he greeted Austria, "Here is your damn stuff."

"Thank you for helping me. It's very consider of you." Austria said with a big grin and let him in.

Hungary threw the baggage on the floor to which the other man alarmed, "Hey be careful! My violin is fragile!"

"Sorry it "slipped" from my hands," Hungary commented while stretching his back until a crack was heard.

Austria cringed at the sound, but he put his attention back to his suitcases."I don't understand why the police had to hold it for a whole week."

"They needed a while to search every suitcase for any illegal substances or weapons before giving it to us." Germany explained while watching the show. She looked over to the bags and asked, "Can I ask you why you were carrying his stuff?"

"I just wanted to help." He quickly answered, but didn't look at Germany. Austria stare at him with a wide smile, knowing that Hungary straight up lied to her.

Hungary got uncomfortable by his staring. He took a step away from Austria, but his brother took a step closer.

"Okay what do you want?" He asked annoyed.

Austria took his time to answer without dropping his grin, "So when's the wedding-"

He couldn't finish his sentence as a punch on his guts brought him to the floor. Painfully he curled into a ball and groaned with a dying voice, "It's worth it."

Germany seeing it asked confused, "What's going on?"

"Nothing!" Hungary answered completely flustered and went to sit on the couch. The two heard Austria shouting while he still was on the floor, "You can't forever hide your feelings."

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