29. Stick To A Gun Fight

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Hungary pov.

I switched on the lights. The huge storage room lit up and revealed the countless shelves filled with baggage and crates. The woman walked ahead to where her stuff was stored.

Of course I told Austria that we will immediately head back to the dining room after we locked the dogs away, but then she told me that her medicine in her bathroom ran out and the second bottle was in her suitcase. A really stupid idea to store spare medications separately while traveling, but it wasn't the first time I had to let passengers go get their stuff from the storage room.

If I could get a penny for everytime a passenger had forgotten something in their baggage, then I'll be rich enough to buy a house with a garden.

A threatening loud creak spreaded through the silent room. I looked up to where the sound came from and recognized it was from the crates on the shelves. The storm is quite heavy and if it wasn't the safety ropes around the baggages, then everything would have fallen down. What definitely wasn't funny because the weight of the stuff adding the height from where they would fall, could definitely kill someone.

I looked at the woman and it seems she was still trying to find where her suitcase was. It's going to take longer than I liked. Impatiently I asked her, "Sorry to bother, but can you do it faster?"

The woman looked at me for a short second before looking back at the shelves. "There is no need to worry. I only need a minute."

"I'm not the one who worries. My friends will think that I got murdered, if we don't come back soon."

I didn't hear a response from her. She stood a couple of meters away from me. He face pointed to the many baggage until she finally pulled out a metal suitcase. Weird place to store medicine, but who knows maybe it's a rich thing.

While she put in the code for it to open I decided to check on the savety ropes. Just to be save that they are correctly tied up. The last thing I want is some expensive stuff to get broken because the owner will sue us for the damage. The ropes were firm tied to the crates on the floor and on the shelf above them.

"You seem to care about them."

A little bit unsure I asked, "Who?"

"Those people you sat together with." She put in the code on the suitcase to open it.

"You mean my friends? Well of course I care about them. We know eachother for years."

"That's quite a long. It must be difficult working on a ship?" She asked. Her back was still pointing at me as she moved her hands inside the suitcase.

"Kinda. It's quite difficult to adjust to work on the sea, but it at least pays good." I commented. Somehow this small uneasy feeling in my guts got stronger. For a small moment I could glance at the inside of her suitcase before her body blocked the view again.

The uneasiness evolved into a sick feeling as I noticed the black foam inside the case. No medication needs foam to protect it and that inside a metall suitcase with a number code.

I'm probably just paranoid. My hands traveled on the rope above me until I reached to the end. My eyes wandered to the knot holding the end of the rope to the scaffolding of the shelf. It's a sturdy knot, but with a strong pull on the right side was enough to easy open it.

A small clank interrupted the silence. I turned back to the woman and I felt how a shiver ran up on my spine as I spotted a small metallic object rolling on the floor. It wasn't bigger than my thumb and reflected a light bronce color from the dim light. Without doubt it had the shape of a bullet.

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