16. The Plan

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Italy sat on one of the washing machine. He occasionally put a cloth in his mouth to stop the bleeding. I also decided to sit down on one of the upside down laundry baskets because my left ankle is killing me. Austria is the only one standing in front of the door preventing a potential escape for our suspect.

"So if I understand it right. You told me that the Red Sickle wants to kill us all on the ship." I explained to him.

Italy nodded and took the cloth out of his mouth, "Yes. The plan was to get the ones that are a threat to them or just need to be gone on the ship. The ship loses the connection to the land and swims of the route. The rescue team will immediately after the lost connection try to find us on the planned route before making their search radius bigger. Until they find us the guests will be already dead."

Austria shook his head and commented," I can't believe this shit. We two never had anything to do with this gang. How could we know that you didn't just made it all up?"

Italy gave him an angry glare and explained,"They told us when we'll do this mission, then we can choose who to put on the ship. As a bonus in our payment."

He then pointed his finger to my uncle, "That's why you are here."

Austria's eyes widen in surprise. He looked baffled to me, not knowing if this stranger was joking or not. He faced Italy again and yelled, "I don't even know you!"

Italy scoffed and glared back, "It wouldn't surprise me that you didn't know me, but you know my father. His name is Kingdom of Italy."

My uncle seems more confused. The silence made Italy more irritated and shouted, "Don't you dare telling me you forgot it. The stupid fight in the bar which made my father accidentally kill a man. Do you remember that!?"

Austria opened his mouth in shock. I realized what he was talking about. During that time I wasn't there, but later I got informed how Austria started a fight and got later badly hurt on his leg. There were more wounded people, but I didn't knew that someone actually died there.

Italy aggressively jumped of his seat and stepped closer to Austria while shouting, "He still sits in prison while you can freely walk around! We lost everything! Our house, our money, family and friends. I was only ten when it all happened! You're the reason why I lost everything!"

He stood face to face to my uncle. Austria was visibly scared. After a moment of silence when he didn't said anything, Italy stepped back and scoffed," That's the reason why you're here." He then sits back on his previously spot and wipe again the blood from his mouth.

"If you wanted me to die, then why is my niece here." Austria asked still in shock.

Italy gave me a small glance. He shrugged his shoulder and mumbled, "They told me it would be better if she also dies with you. She's working with the police. It will be too much of a risk letting her alive. I personally have nothing against her."

"And how do they know that working with the police? I never had any contact with the gang. They shouldn't have any infos about me." I asked him.

"No?" Italy looked surprised at me, "Well that's strange because one of their past clients knows you. He actually looked very similar to you. Only shorter hair and smaller height."

"You mean East? No way he would never be with criminals." I critized.

Italy shrugged again uninterested, "I don't know his name. He only came sometimes to buy drugs from them, but he didn't appear again for a year."

"So he got this junk from you." Austria growled holding firmly on his cane.

"I have nothing to do with it. I was only the delivery guy." Italy rose his hands defensively, "And it was his own decision to take it. It's the cheapest stuff they had to offer, but he sometimes couldn't pay it. I don't know how it came, but they decided for exchange of the lost sum of money, he'll gave them information about you and which case you were working."

The Swimming Death Trap [A CH Murder Mystery] Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora