34. Stealing Is (not) Okay

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Austria pov.

That's a terrible idea.
That's the worst idea that Germany ever had, but if it works, then we will finally know what exactly happened to China.

I spent a long time to consider doing it. Everytime when I'm close to knock on that door, I retreated my hand back in fear.

But I had to knock on the door, or else her plan fails before it even begins. I gulped down my worries and hit my fist against the wood. Quickly I took a step back and waited until it opened.

USA looked down at me unexpected. He only wore a bath coat. I assume he was about to go to bed when I interrupted him. It's already evening and the day was kinda exhausting.

The man didn't say a word and kept staring at me. He waited for an explanation why I'm visiting him.

Welp now or never. Let's hope I'll survive this.

"Hello USA. I'm sorry for the interruption. I hope I didn't interrupt you."

"No not at all." He said and leaned forward out of the door, looking at both sides of the hallway. "Where is the detective?"

"She's not here. I want to talk with you alone." I explained to him and he started to give me a judgemental look after hearing this.

The man crossed his arms and leaned his side against the door frame, "Then what do you want?" He sounded bored and disinterested.

"Uhm well..." I scratched slightly embarrassed behind my head as I continued, "I thought for a while about getting myself a gun for protection, but I wasn't sure for what I have to look while buying one. I never owned a gun before."

USA didn't move, but I could see the sparkles on his eyes. "Then you chose the right guy for this. Come in I will answer any of your questions."

He stepped aside and I entered his cabin. I'm surprised that it worked. Inside the first thing that caught my attention was the liquor glass cabinet. The glass door has in the middle a big crack as if someone punched it really hard.

"So you need a gun only for protection?" USA started to ask after closing the door behind us. I turned around to him and answered,"Yes only for protection. Oh and can we not tell Germany about that? She is one who doesn't like owning guns inside the house and she doesn't know that I'm here."

With a sly smile he snipped his finger at me and said, "Got it. Don't worry it's a private conversation between buyer and seller." He went to sit down on his couch. I chose to lean against the counter of the mini bar. As near to the glass cabinet as possible without him noticing it.

"So let's start with the obvious questions." USA spoke casual, "Did you ever used firearms before?"

"Well one time my dad took me and my brother to one of his hunting trips. I did shot from a hunting rifle." I answered truthfully to which the man nodded deep in thoughts and mumbled, "So no experience."

"I guess for you as a beginner the best choice would be the popular clock or the Springfield XD as it has a better grip than the clock. But if you want an easier maintenance gun, then the classical revolver is perfect. The only downside is that it has very limited munition. So in case a home invasion does happen, then you better be a good shooter or else you'll be out of amo before the invader even becomes a threat."

I nodded acting as if I'm interest. "How about shotguns? I mean they do make a lot of damage."

To my surprise USA started to snort and tried to remain his composure, but soon he fall into a laughing fit. It came unexpected and I wasn't sure what to do. The silent room was filled with his laughter and soon as his laughing died, he wiped away his tear from his eye. I stood there unsure as he only let out a small wheeze before he regained control over his body.

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