Chapter 41: Blueberry Muffins

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"Calm down, Robby," Tyler urged him, reaching a hand toward Robin's shoulder. "We can go to the hospital, but I'm feeling fine. I'm sure it's nothing I can't handle." He jumped down from the counter, swaying a bit as he landed before falling to the floor.

"Ty!" Robin quickly ran to his boyfriend's aid, cradling Tyler's naked chest in his arms.

"Perhaps I am a bit woozy," Tyler admitted, sweat drops adorning his forehead.

Before Robin could help Tyler get on his feet, there was a sound from the door. A sound that made him freeze, despite the warm sunlight bathing the room. The sound of a key in the door.

No one should have that key. But yet, someone did. And Robin knew exactly who.

The next moment, the door flew open to reveal a small woman with eyes void of emotion and lips that seemed incapable of producing a smile. As Liza peered at the sight in front of her--her only son with his arms around a sweet boy, next to mountains of pillows, a half-full bottle of lube, and wrappers from used condoms--her face turned into a grimace of disgust.

"I see you found my gift," she stated, nodding toward the basket with muffins on the kitchen counter.

"What did you put in them, mom?" Robin yelled, incapable of containing his anger and fear.

"What do you mean?" she replied, obtuseness veiling her voice. "I just wanted to leave you a gift, celebrating your achievement. I saw on the university's website that you received the scholarship."

Ignoring his mother's toxic presence, Robin turned to his boyfriend again, who was starting to shiver. He grabbed a hoodie from the floor and put it across Tyler's shoulders. "You need to get out of here now," he whispered, snatching Tyler's phone from where it had been left on the kitchen counter and pressing it into Tyler's hand. "Contact Miss Horn. She can help you get the care you need. She'll know what to do."

Truthfully, Robin wished Miss Horn could help him too. This seemed like a situation that called for a responsible adult. But he had to face his mom by himself to find out what poison she had fed his boyfriend.

Tyler nodded, understanding the instructions. There was a hint of fear in his eyes, as he started to feel the effects of those muffins. Wanting to alleviate his boyfriend's anxiety, Robin pressed a kiss to a clammy temple. "You'll be fine," he assured Tyler, even though he knew he couldn't promise that.

It was time. Time to face his mother. With a comforting pat on Tyler's shoulder, Robin stood up, placing himself between his boyfriend and his mother.

"You know what I mean, mom," he said. Taking a step forward, Robin stared down at her. "You put something in the muffins to make Tyler sick, just like you did to me when I was a child."

Her mouth fell agape, feigning an expression of shock. "I would never..."

"Just drop the act." Robin felt anger brewing in his veins. "I know what you did. But right now, it doesn't matter. All that I care about is finding out what you gave Tyler."

She sighed like this was all a huge inconvenience to her. "I just wanted you to know I cared."

"By poisoning someone I care about?" Robin threw the words at her, not holding back anymore. "You really are insane, mom. You need help."

But he wasn't going to help her. He'd wasted enough time on her already. She had to sort out her own mess.

"You're the one who needs help. Your head has been twisted by this... charlatan," she sneered as her gaze fell upon the blonde boy on the floor. "You're the one whose senses are deranged, poor son."

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