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MIDORIYA AND TODOROKI sat on either side of Jirou on a bench outside of Kaminari's hospital room, their heads all dropped to their chest as they patiently waited for an update on their hurt friend

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MIDORIYA AND TODOROKI sat on either side of Jirou on a bench outside of Kaminari's hospital room, their heads all dropped to their chest as they patiently waited for an update on their hurt friend.

It was cold in the hallway. They could constantly hear beeping, stretchers rolling, babies crying—they collectively hated the hospital. Mainly because it brought them back...

to that time.

The door opened, Aizawa's stepping out of Kaminari's room. The three kids all stood up with worried eyes, their teacher shutting the door behind him. "...He's fine. He'll make a full recovery."

They sighed of relief, but Aizawa didn't let that grace period last long. "What we're you all thinking!? Going out on your own!? Don't you understand the purpose of the dorm system? It's to prevent your safety from being in danger!!!" He lectured.

They all avoided eye contact, whispering, "...Sorry Sir."

Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose, his forehead throbbing. "Sorry won't cut it...But..." He motioned his hand for them to sit back down on the bench, them doing as told. He bent down in front of them, gazing at them with sad eyes. "I know you all are trying to cope...But you can't just go out and look for her on your own. She's in the League's hands right now."


"No buts, Jirou." He interrupted. "Us heroes have been searching for her, believe me. But if she's with the League, then it's almost impossible to find her. Hell, if we could, then we could've had the whole League arrested by now...But they're really good at hiding."

"But we saw her!" Jirou pouted. "With our own eyes! She was like, patrolling something! Maybe she's guarding their hideout!"

Aizawa lifted an eyebrow. "Did you see the hideout yourself?"


He hummed, before standing up straight to his feet. "...I'll contact Endeavor to check it out. I'm sure he's still awake at this time."

"Really? Thank you, sir!!" Jirou bowed her head.

"...Yes, thank you." Todoroki thanked him next.

"...Yeah..." Midoriya whispered.

Aizawa turned to him. "...What is it Midoriya?"

"...It's just...She looked so different." He muttered, looking up to his teacher. "S-She was like a robot! And she was really strong, too...She...She wasn't herself! You can't just go in and send some heroes, she might feel threatened and hurt them! And if she attacks, then Endeavor will surely fight back! I don't want her to get—...."

"I understand your concern...I'll stress that to him. To only scout for the hideout, and to hold back on combat. How does that sound?"


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