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"...SORRY...I don't remember you..." Y/n muttered to Shigaraki, the two standing in front of each other in the room which she was "captured" into.

Shigaraki paused, before putting the stone hand back over his face. "...It's fine. I didn't expect you to...I guess I a little excited."

Y/n's heart pinched. She couldn't shake the thought that he knew her, but she didn't know him. Or at least she couldn't recall him.

She watched his hand twitch at his side. Almost like...

he was trying to lift his pinkie.

It ached to hold hers. He was hoping that maybe that action alone would help jog her memory.

But his purpose was not to be a friend to her. It was to recruit her.

As y/n continued to examine the man, she felt a sense of...peace...overcome her. She had no idea who he was, not even his name. And though his appearance was intimidating all in its self, she, for some reason, felt safe.

Did the old her have a strong connection to him? Did her heart recognize him, though her brain couldn't?

"...Follow me." Shigaraki demanded.

Y/n had no choice but to obey, her following the supposed leader of this "League of Heroes." They twisted and turned through the manor, which was so massive that her brains couldn't comprehend it. On the way to their destination, they passed by a number of people, all who she assumed were heroes.

In reality, they were villains apart of the Meta Liberation Army.

She was currently stationed in their headquarters, which was hidden in the mountains. Secluded. Perfect for illegal activity.

Shigaraki opened a door to a room, which only had a table. At the table, were the other people y/n had seen earlier.

A man with a patch work face. Bright blue eyes and pitch black hair.

A man who seemed to be a living lizard.

A man with a mask, top hat, and cane.

A man in a grey and black mask and suit.

And a school girl.

Shigaraki walked ahead and took a seat at the end of the table, y/n standing by the closed door. He then faced her, shivers running down her spine. Forget feeling safe around him. It sort of creeped her out, not being able to see his eyes as he glared at her. It made her nervous.

The blue haired man started to speak. "...We go to war with the he— about 4 and a half months.  Our Liberation army continues to grow...Dabi." He faced the patch worked man. "...That hero—villain...Hawks...Is he reliable?"

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