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Beth POV
It's now the next day, and we are flying back today.

Yesterday was a really rough day, because Tess cried the whole day, until she was tired and fell asleep. She really miss Daniëlle. So it's really hard, because I don't really know what to do.

I woke up from my alarm, when it went off. I changed myself, and walked to the Daniëlle's room. Tess was sleeping in the guest room. So when I was changed I walked to the guest room. "Goodmorning." I said when I saw Ingrid, Daniëlle's mother. "Goodmorning." She replied with a smile. I opened the door of the room. I walked to her. "Tess wake up." She woke up slowly, but started to cry slowly again. I picked her up, and sit down on her bed with her on my lap. "Shh." "Call mommy." I send Daniëlle a message: "hey babe, can you call?" She immediately responded and called me. "Look who calls me!" "MOMMY." She screamed. "Yes but don't scream so loudly please." "Sorry mama." I gave her a kiss when I picked up the phone.

Phone call:
D: "hey."
D: "hey honey. Hey babe."
B: "hey babe. We just woke up, but Tess woke up crying."
T: "I miss you." She cried.
D: "ahw I miss you too! I'll see you soon! What are you going to do today?"
B: "we'll fly back to England, and tonight Leah and Jordan will come at our house."
D: "have fun! I have to go, but I'll see you later."
D: "Tess honey, I have dinner, but we'll call later. I promise you!"
B: "bye babe! I love you!"
D: "bye loveyou!"

End call
We just hung up. "I know you miss mommy, but she can't come here." She started to cry even harder. "Come we go downstairs." She nodded. We walked downstairs and sat down at the table where Daniëlle's parents were sitting. I grabbed some food for Tess and put it on her plate. After we ate for a while, Tess still hasn't eaten anything. "Tess you have to eat." I said. "NOO NOT HUNGRY." She screamed, while still crying. "Don't scream. You have to eat." She picked up a piece of her bread, and threw it on the ground. I stood up and grabbed her by her arm. I put her on the stairs and said: "you stay here until, I come back. When I come back I want to know from you what you did. understand?" She nodded with a scared look. I walked back to the table and sat down. "Sorry, she's missing Daan really much." I said. "It's okay."

After 10 minutes I walked back to Tess. She stood up and and run to me. I picked her up, and she gave me a kiss. "What did you do, why I put you here?" I asked. "I didn't listen to you, and I threw my food on the ground." "That's good. What do you say then?" "Sowwy mama." She said while she gave me another kiss. "It's okay baby. Shall we go back?" "No they mad." She looked scared. "No baby, they aren't mad, I promise you." She nodded slowly.


We just arrived back home. Tess her behaviour was bad the whole time. She didn't listen to me, or cried. So it was a really tough flight.

When we came inside I put Tess on the couch, who started to get tired. "I'm gonna get the stuff out of the car, then I'll be back." She nodded. When I had all the things, I grabbed Tess her teddybear out of the suitcase. I picked some drink for us, after that I walked to the couch with her teddybear, and our drinks. "Tonight auntie Jordan will come here." I said. Jordan also isn't going to the Olympics same as me, so it's quite hard for us both. We are helping each other to get through it.
"Yay!" Tess said with a smile. I put on a movie for us, while Tess climbs on top of me, and laid her head down on my chest. "Are you tired honey?" She nodded. "You can go to sleep." She closed her eyes.

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