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POV Beth
It's now 1,5 week later on Wednesday. I've won the both matches. Last Friday we played against France, which we won with 2-1. I gave an assist to my teammate, so I was happy with that. Yesterday we played against Germany which we won with 1-0. I scored that goal, but besides that I didn't play that good. But I'm happy with my goal and the win. Today Tess and I will drive back home. When we are home is Daniëlle already at home.


When I woke up from my alarm was it 8:00. We have to be downstairs for breakfast at 9:00. So I have time enough to make me and Tess ready. I first got changed and got ready. When I was ready I walked to the bed from Tess, and sat down next to her on the bed. "Wake up sweetie." She groans. "Goodmorning, slept well?" She shook her, while tears running down her cheeks. "Hey what's wrong baby?" I asked while I pick her up, and give her a kiss. "I'm not feeling well..." she cried. "Ahw, do you have to vomit?" She shook her head. "My stomach and throat are hurting." Daniëlle and I have always when Tess is with us on camp always suppositories in our bags, Just in case of when Tess gets sick. "I'll give you a suppository." I said standing up, and put her down for a second on the bed. "NOO." She whined, while holding her hands out. "Yes, then You'll feel better." She started to cry even harder. I picked her up again, and walked to my suitcase to pick the suppository for her. "Mommy." She cried. "We see her today again." I said when I got it, and walked back to the bed. "No call her now." She said. "I'll call after I gave you a suppository." I said. "Noo now." "No ill give you first, after that we'll call mommy." She sighed but nodded her head slowly. She laid down, and grabbed her teddy bear and hold it close.
After I gave her her the suppository I picked her up, and put her down on my lap. She laid her head down on my chest. "Call mommy?" I nodded while I FaceTimed  Daniëlle.

Phone call
D; "hey babe and Tess. Goodmorning."
B; "Goodmorning babe. How are you?"
D: "I'm good, I'll leave in 15 minutes to go to the airport. Tess sweetie what's wrong?"
T; "mama" she cries.
B; "she isn't feeling well, her stomach and throat are hurting."
D; "Ahw baby, you'll get better soon, and when you are home we'll cuddle the whole time."
T; "rweally?"
D; nods with a smile. "I love you, but I have to go sorry, see you!"
B; "Ok, love you too."
T; "love you." She mumbled.

POV Beth
We are now almost home, we only have to drive for 10 more minutes. It was a rough drive, because Tess cried a few times, but she finally fell asleep an hour ago. She has no fever, but it can still come, but I hope she feels better tomorrow, because we have training. But we'll see tomorrow. "Mama." I hear Tess softly saying. "Hey slept well?" "Not really." She says yawning. "We are almost home." I say to her. "Mommy?" She asked with teary eyes. "Yes we'll see her when we are back home." "Now." She cried. "Tess honey, we are home in 5 minutes." She just keep crying.

When we arrived I walked to the door from Tess, and opened it. She was still crying. "Hey baby we are home." She just laid her head down in my neck.

POV Daniëlle
Beth told me already that Tess was sick, so I was sitting on the couch, when I heard someone opening the door. I got up, and saw Beth walking in with a crying Tess. "Mommy." She said when she saw me. holding her her hands out to me. I picked her over from Beth, and gave her a kiss. I could feel, she has a little fever. "Hey baby. Are you feeling a little better?" She shook her head. "No my stomach and throat are hurting. But I'm happy to be with you." She said. "Ahw, that's why we are going to cuddle and watch movies for the rest of the day." I said while I walked to the couch. Beth came in with the blanket from Tess and her teddy bear. "Should I help you with the suitcases?" I asked when I gave her a kiss. "No thanks, just watch some tv with her." I nodded, while she went to the car to get their suitcases. "Do you wanna watch Dora?" Tess nodded, while putting her thumb in her mouth. I grabbed the remote and put on Dora for her.

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