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thanks to @bethendaan for helping with writing from this chapter. please follow her, and read her books!


POV Beth

"Mama!" Tess shouted when she saw me in the schoolyard and ran to me.

"Hey Darling, how was school today?" I asked while taking over her backpack.

"Very nice! I made a new friend! Her name is Chloë." She told me happily.

I listened to her story as I took her hand and walked to the car so we could go home.

When we got home, I helped her out of the car and grabbed her bag.

"Mommy?" Tess asked as she walked into the living room.

"No darling, Mommy's working right now but she'll be home soon, how about we have a quick nap? By the time we wake up, Mommy will be home. Does that sound good?" I tried to convince our five year old daughter. 

"I'm not tired, I'm hungry mama." Tess said, tugging on your sweat pants.

"Okay honey, do you want a pop sickle?" I compromised.

At the mention of a pop sickle, Tess's eyes brightened and she nodded vigorously.

"Okay, it's a treat but shh don't tell mommy, she wants us to be healthy." I told Tess, who just looked up in confusion.

"Pinky promise." She replied, making me laugh and plant a kiss on her forehead.

i walked with her to the kitchen to pick a pop sickle for her. "do you want  lemonade?" she nodded.

I picked for her  lemonade, and made for myself  coffee.

"I wanna watch tv Mama!" The little girl exclaimed. Instead of trying to negotiate, I lifted her into my arms and walked towards the sofa. 

Daniëlle would normally be back in 1,5 hours, but I'll bring Tess to bed after we've watched some tv.

"We can watch a little bit honey. But you need to go to bed soon, because I'm sure you're a bit tired." The little girl nodded in response and snuggled close to me on the sofa. 

After an hour, we were laying on the couch asleep. Tess was snuggled close into the crook of my neck, her hands tangled in my hair.

POV Daan

"Babe! I'm home!" I shouted into the apartment, when I came back  home. 

"Mommy!" Tess exclaimed, now wide awake. She jumped off of the sofa, and ran into my legs.

"Hey munchkin, where's Mama?" I questioned while, i picked her up,  hold  out daughter close.

"Shh, Mama's swleeping, we were watching TV and she felled asleep." She babbled, I chuckled at our daughter on my hip.

"Oh Mama 'falled asleep?' Whilst watching, let me guess ... Dora, did she?"

"Yep!" The little girl answered, nodding her head frantically. 

"Let's go see her baby." We tiptoed through the apartment and into the living area. I held back my laugh as I spotted Beth.

She was snuggled on the sofa, wrapped in Tess's blanket, facing the television.

I placed our daughter quietly on the ground and then crept closer to Beth's sleeping form.

"Hey baby." I cooed in her ear, brushing strands of her hair out of her face. Beth mumbled something in her sleep and then slowly opened her bright blue eyes.

"I'll put Tess to bed, and I'll be right with you darling." I told her, planting a kiss on her forehead.

I turned around, before lifting the five year old into my arms and headed towards the princess themed bedroom.

She really loves her bedroom!

"What did you do at work today mommy?" Tess asked her usual question.

"Well, today was real busy sweetie. I had some interviews. And some aunties and I had to sign presents for the fans." I explained, while I sat down on her bed, with her on my lap. 

"I missed you mommy." She said in a tired tone. "I missed you too baby girl." I replied, hugging Tess close.

"Did you have a good day at school?" I asked

"Yep, I made a new friend." The little girl replied.

"Oh you did? That's great!" I replied.

I picked up a book to read, but before I had finished the book Tess had already fallen asleep.

I put the book away carefully and saw Beth standing in the doorway.

I gave Tess a quick kiss, and laid her down, so Beth could do the same

"Good night sweetheart." Beth whispered, kissing Tess's temple as the little girl slept peacefully. I smiled at her cuteness.

I walked backwards out of the room and Beth followed, closing the bedroom door softly.

Adopted by Danielle van de Donk en Beth meadOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz