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POV Daniëlle
After a while Beth had packed all the things from the car. And sat down next to us on the couch. "Hey babe." I said when I gave her a kiss. "Hey babe, is she asleep?" Beth asked. Tess shook head slowly, while she is still crying. "Do you want some drink?" "Coffe." I replied. "Tess should I make a bottle with milk for you?" "No that hurts." She replied crying. "I know, but you have to drink something." Tess nodded slowly. Beth came after a while back with the drinks, and I gave the milk to Tess. She had also packed a suppository and the thermometer. "Tess sweetly, I'll take your temperature." Tess nodded slowly. Beth put it in her ear. "It's 38,1 so not that high." I nodded.


We just finished dinner. Tess didn't eat much, but luckily a little bit. "Tess baby I'll bring you to bed." She nodded. She gave Beth a kiss. I walked upstairs with her and made her ready for Beth. "Cwan I sleep with ywou?" She asked. I nodded. I walked to our room, and laid down with her in me.

When she was asleep, I carefully put her on bed and walked downstairs. "Hey babe, Tess is asleep." I said when I sat down next to her. "What are we going to do tomorrow with her school and our training?" I asked. "I think we have to look how she feels in the morning, and then dividing If she goes to school." Beth replied. "Yes okay." We watched movies for the rest of the night.

POV Daniëlle
It's now the next morning, it's now 7AM and I woke up from our alarm. Tess woke up a few times crying, but after a while she fell asleep around 4AM. "Goodmorning babe." I said, when I gave Beth a kiss. "Goodmorning, slept well?" I nodded. "I'll make breakfast can you wake up Tess?" I nodded, while Beth step out our bed. "Tess honey wake up." I said when I picked her up. "Goodmorning, how do you feel?" I asked when I gave her a kiss. "Better then yesterday." She replied. "Okay that's good, shall we go to your room to change?" She nodded. I stood up, and changed myself first, and then walked to the room from Tess to change her. When I changed her I walked downstairs with her.

POV Beth
I was making breakfast when Daniëlle came downstairs with Tess. I picked her over from Daniëlle and gave her a kiss. "Hey Tess, how do you feel?" I walked with her to the couch and sat down. "Better then yesterday." She replied with a little smile. "Do you think you can go to school?" Daniëlle asked. She nodded. "Okay, if you're feeling bad at school, say it to your teacher then she will call us, and we'll come to pick you up." She nodded.

Daniëlle and I have training today. We have to be at the club at 10:00 and we can probably go home around 4 pm, so it's a long day at the club.


It's now 12:00 and we just finished our first training of the day. For me the training went well, and my team won with the practice games, so I'm really happy about that. We are now in the chill room, waiting until it's time for lunch.

My phone rang, and I saw it was the teacher from Tess. "It's tess's teacher." I said, when i picked up the phone.

Phone call:
B; "hey"
T; "hey, can you come to pick up Tess?"
B; "yes of course, is she feeling too bad?"
T; "yes she just thrown up a few minutes ago."
B; "ahw okay, I'll come. Bye!"
T; "bye!"

POV Daniëlle
When Beth said it was the teacher from Tess, I knew already we had to pick her up. I think one of us will go, and other stay here to train. "Hey babe, I'll go to Tess her school, because she had thrown up. I have already said it to Joe, and he said it was okay." Beth said, when she came back, because she went to the hall, to call. "That's okay, but I can also go if you want." I replied. "No I'll go, bye." I gave her kiss, and she went to Tess.

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