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POV Beth
Tomorrow has Tess her first schoolday. She is really exited about it, and really want to go. Our planning was actually, that Beth and I would give her home school. We tried is, but it didn't work, so she goes to school. I think it's good for Tess, to play with other children from her age.

We just came back from our training, and it's now 5:30, so we'll eat soon. "I'll make dinner." Daniëlle said. I nodded. "mama?" "Yes honey?" I replied. "Can we play football?" "No, We will eat soon, so we'll play football after dinner." She sighs. "Nohoo." "Tess yes, if you don't listen to me, you go to bed after dinner." I said. She sighs. I stand up and walk to the kitchen where Daniëlle is. "What's wrong." She asked, when I walked in. "Tess asked if we could play football, so I said no, because we have dinner soon, but she said 'nohoo.' So I said that if she won't listen to me, that she go to bed after dinner." I said. "ah okay. Can you make the table ready? because dinner is ready in 5 minutes." I picked the plates and all stuff, and put it down on the table. "Come Tesss, dinner is almost ready." She held out her hands for me to pick her up. I pick her up, and walk with her in my arms to the kitchen. I put her down on a chair, and sit down next to her. Daan walks with our food in the kitchen. "Enjoy your meal." We ate our food.
When we finished our meal, I clean the dishes, and Daniëlle went outside with Tess to play football with her.

POV Daniëlle
I walked outside with Tess, to play football. We have a goal in our garden, so we can shoot on goal. But now we are just passing to each other. Tess enjoys this always so much, just to play football with us. "Are you exited for tomorrow?" Tomorrow she had her first schoolday. I'm a little bit scared, but Beth tells me always that it will be fine. "Yes, then I can play football with friends!" She says with a big smile. Her smile is so cute. Then Beth comes outside. "Heyy." I go on goal, and Beth and Tess are passing to each other. Tess shoots on goal. She scores. "YESSSS I SCORED!" She runs to Beth, who picks her up.  "Good goal!" I say, and walk to them to give them a hug.
After playing football for 30 minutes, it was bedtime for Tess, and she still has to shower. "Tess it's bedtime." She walked to me, and put her hands in the air for me to pick her up. I picked her up, and walked with her upstairs. I picked a pyjama for her. We walk together to the bathroom, and i turned on the  shower. I helped  her with changing, and then she walks in the shower. Firstly I wash her hair, and then her body. She smiles, and picked some foam and blew it on me. She laughs really hard. 

After she had showered, I change her. I pick her up, and walk with her downstairs to give Beth a kiss. "Goodnight mama." "Goodnight I love you." They give each other a kiss. I walk upstairs with Tess, and walk to her room. I lay her down on her bed, and  gave her her teddybear. "goodnight I love you." I say, while I give her a kiss. "goodnight mommy I love you too." I walked back downstairs, and sit down next to Beth. 


It's now an hour later, when I hear someone walking on the stairs. Beth and I both look up, and see Tess standing in de dooropening. "I can't sleep." She whispers. "come here." She walks to me, and sits down on my lap. "Why can't you sleep?" She shrugs her shoulders. "It's okay." She lays her head down on my chest. "I'm sleepy." She whispers. "Try to sleep again." She closes her eyes.



Tess fell asleep last night almost immediately.  the alarm just went off. "good morning." I said, while I gave Beth  a kiss. "goodmorning babe, slept well?" She asked. "yes, you?" "yes, can you wake up Tess?" I nodded, and came out bed. I changed myself, and walked to Tess her room. I opened her door. "Tess wake up." She woke up slowly. "Goodmorning sweety." "goodmorning mommy."she replied sleepy. "slept well?" I asked, while she step out of her bed. She nodded, with a little smile. "come, shall we get changed and go downstairs for breakfast. and then go to school?" She nodded. I picked an outfit for her, and helped her with changing. "Come we go downstairs. We walked together downstairs, and had breakfast. After breakfast we go to Tess her school.

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