Why couldn't she be in a relationship with him!?

Why does he have to be a friend to her ex boyfriend!?

If they were to be in a relationship, then she wouldn't really have an issue with him doing all of this.
She was deep in thoughts until a uniformed guy approached her to get her number.

She didn't give it to him.

When she got home and could finally think straight, she decided to confront him about this action of his.

A lot of what if's began to go through her head.

What if he was actually testing her to know if she would give in like other girls?

What if he wanted to have s*x with her but was starting gradually by getting intimate with her?

What if the next time they saw, he would lose his control and take off my clothes aggressively?

She knew the only way to clear all these thoughts was by confronting him, and that was the next step she was going to take.


Dave and Jasmine lacked communication and they didn't hear from each other since their last meet up.

Funny how they always lack communication but their vibe never died!

That was a strong bond there.

On a Sunday afternoon, at about 1pm, Jasmine went down to his place.

Sunday was the only day of the week Jasmine was free.

A young girl of her age or maybe one year older than her came to the door some minutes after she knocked.
She was really dark in complexion and not pretty.
Jasmine looked a bit confused but she composed herself and asked about Dave.

She told him that he was at church and wasn't back yet.

Even her English wasn't good. Where did Dave get this one from now?

When did Dave start going to church?
The Dave she knew never went to church but he believed in God.

The girl asked her to come in of which she did.

She was nice.

When Jasmine got in, she saw another small boy of about six to seven years old.

She didn't really understand what was going on but she waited patiently for Dave to arrive.

After a period of 45 minutes to
1 hour, Dave finally arrived.
He went in to freshen up, changed his clothes and then came back out.

Jasmine suddenly found herself becoming angry and for some unknown reason she began to give Dave attitude.

''How are you?''
Dave asked as he finally came out. He was putting on a white shirt and black  shorts with flip flops.

*No response*

Dave assumed she didn't hear him and then asked again.

She didn't want to respond but then she had a second thought.
If Dave decided to start with the attitude, she wouldn't be able to stand him.

"I've been here for over an hour yunno." She responded, eyeing him intently from head to toe.

He looked nice.

''I went to church today because it's sunday obviously.''
Dave stated as a matter of fact.

"I know, that's what the girl said to me, besides who is she?" Jasmine asked.

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